After Class

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3rd person POV

After the physical exam class was dismissed and all the students went home except for one.

As the bell rings and students leave the sound of grumbling and foot-stomping filled the hallways.

A loud thud entered the ears of 3 as the door slammed open and an ash-blonde student entered Principal Nezu's office. As the student stood by the door frame he was given an aloof stare by a dog-like creature and a freckled face of a boy his age.

"Take a seat Mr. Bakugo." Nezu requested as he was gesturing to the seat beside the greenette

Nezu Snapped his fingers and the door closed behind Bakugo as he sat in the chair.

"Hi, Bakugo. Nothing personal just business." Izkuku's aloof tone sent shrills down Bakugo's spine.

"Sign this" commanded Nezu

"You will not be allowed to speak to anyone of my past" Izuku added

"I will speak to your parents about this and they too will have to sign a contract"

Bakugo was silent, mouth open, eyes wide. He was obviously not listening but he came to when Izuku kicked Bakugo's leg,

"Ahem, please sign here and here" Izuku stated bluntly

Bakugo signed the first page without hesitation and turned his head to see Izuku giving Nezu a look.

"I promise I will sign the other page as well but can I please talk to D- Midoriya Sensei... Please. J-just 5 minutes... Please"

Izuku and Nezu looked at each other for what felt like an eternity to Bakugo and turned back to the blonde, nodding in agreement. Nezu stood up to leave the room for a bit. Although it was his office him leaving was the best option since it had no cameras and it was soundproof.

Nezu closed the door behind him and Bakugo did waste a single moment.

"I'm sorry"


"What happened that day?" the student asked as he avoided eye contact

Izuku sighed, "Sign the other paper then I'll tell you the story but only from that day onwards and no private information like the documents I worked on or anything"

Bakugo looked up finally making eye contact and began to tear up.


7 minutes pass. That was 2 more than the agreed 5 but Izuku opened the door to let Nezu inside. Bakugo was silent but left quietly.

Bakugo's POV

What the hell?! Auntie Inko and Uncle Hizashi killed each other then Deku. A fucking deku, the supposedly quirkless Deku became a vigilante at the age of 4?! And an actual hero at 6, you've gotta be fucking kidding me.

My thoughts flooded my head and I felt so nauseous. Not because of Deku but me. What's wrong with me? I knew. I knew his parents hit him and just added the pain he had to bear. What will I do? What will I tell my parents? Do I tell them?

I was walking towards the gate of UA as I felt a tap on my back. Red hair? Wait he's in my class right? Whatever, just another extra. I continue walking as he began introducing himself.

"I'm Ejiro Kirishima and you are?"

I'm kinda annoyed at this point but it helped me come back to my senses.

"Katsuki Bakugo"

"Well see you tomorrow Bakugo!" the red-haired peer of mine said cheerfully as he left

"Yeah, tomorrow..." I murmur to myself as I continued to walk home, slightly calmer

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