Chapter 3: Q&A

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Pov- Kirishima

I'm about to film my Q&A Video with Kam when I see a ground zero uploaded video called "coming out video?" I haven't watched many of his videos but I need to watch this video, so I start watching. I watched through the whole thing not noticing Kam filming me. I saw him and covered the camera. "Hey, I thought this was a face reveal!" I look at him " You know it's a joke face revel and I'm just going to be wearing a mask?" He looked at me confused "I thought that was a joke!" I facepalmed "Did you tweet about that?" He looked sacred "NO!" by his reaction, he did. "Just take it down-" He interrupted me by showing the tweet It went viral! "KAMINARI!"

-hour later

"Ok let's start filming!" Kam said as I put a paper bag over my head (We couldn't find a good mask)

"Hey guys it's me Red Riot J.k I'm kaminari his friend, but this is him" (pushes in view with paper bag) "Let me explain my idiot friend, so it was going to be a joke that I was going to have a face revel but turn out I didn't. BUT THIS IDIOT THOUGHT I WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO DO ONE AND TWITTED THIS BULLISH"- *Insert a pic of a tweet saying Red riot Is doing a face reveal* "Ok guys I have calmed down if you're mad, blame it on Kaminari! I going to be off-camera while Kam asks the questions *rolls out of view*

Q- What are your favorite things to do?

A- Making videos.

Q-Have you ever met someone famous?

A- do I count?

Q- How many pairs of shoes do you have?

A- all I can say is lots of crocs!

Q- Last film you watched?

A- I don't know but the last youtube video was Ground zero.

Q-Do you like rollercoasters?

A- Heck yeah! They're manly!

Q- Do a fucking face revel and why are you called red riot?

A-No to the first question (more like a demand) I'm called Red riot because It's like Crimson riot!

Q- Favorit color


Q- what's your opinion on the Lqbtq+

A- Being a Gay man I love them especially the men!

-1o minutes later

That's the end sorry for my idiot friend!

You can comment anything you see is wrong (like if I spell something wrong)

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