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"How should I start this." Lisa said she looks at her laptop' screen.

It was been a month since the project was handed at her and now she is trying to work on it.

"What is that?" Rosé at her side peeked.

"My project." She said.

"Oh! Then you need to have an interview with your neighbor."

"I don't even know who's my neighbor is."

"Then it's your time to know them." Rosé said as she gave her a smile.

She looked at Leo who is busy playing with his toys.

"Don't mind him. I'll take care of him." Rosé said as Lisa smiled at her.

"Thanks." She just said as she went out of their apartment.

She is already three minutes outside of their apartment as she decided to knock the door across their room.

"You can do this." She cheered herself.

As the door opened, she was shocked.

"Uhm, what do you need?" He said as he curled his hair. 

Sht! How am I supposed to say this.

"Wo-would you mind having a dinner?"

What were you thinking?! He has his own family!

Before he can response, he looked inside the room first.

"Ok. I'll just knock at your door later?"


"Thanks." He said.

"Ok bye." She said as she start to walk at their apartment.

Woah! Great.

As she went inside their room,Rose immediately bid her goodbye.

"Leo you should take a bath. you will have a visitor later."

Leo immediately looked at her.

"Who's visitor mommy?"

Lisa smiled at him.

"Take a bath first."

Leo immediately run at his room which made her to chuckle.

As she is busy preparing the food, someone knocked at the door. She looked at their watch and it was already early. With its second knock she immediately open the door.

"It's already early and I'm not done yet preparing the foods." 

"Then may I help you?" He smiled.

She response with a smile a she welcomed her and they went to the kitchen.

They're just silent while preparing the food when Leo came.

"Mister!" Leo shouted which Jungkook's attention diverted at him.

"Hey buddy!" Jungkook said as he smiled at him.

Lisa secretly observing them as a smile escaped her lips.

It took them ten minutes to finish their preparation as they begin to eat the dinner.

"Is he what you mean my visitor mommy?" Out of nowhere Leo asked Lisa.

As Lisa's response, she just nod and smiled.

"How are you now buddy?" Jungkook asked Leo trying to change the topic.

"I'm fine mister. How about you?"

Jungkook immediately at Lisa.

"I think I'm also fine." He said as he smiled at him. 

They just keep on talking as they finished their dinner and Leo decided to sleep.

"Goodnight mister." Leo said as he hugged Jungkook.

"Goodnight mommy." Leo said as he kissed Lisa's cheeks.

As Leo left them both, Lisa went back and put their plates at the sink.

"Let me help you." Jungkook immediately said.

"It's already night. You should go now and maybe your wife is already looking for you."

"I insist." He said as he grab the spunch from her.

Lisa immediately moved back giving him the way.

"Thank you again." He said as he begin to wash the dishes.

"It's nothing. By the way I saw your sister earlier." 

Jungkook's brows curled.

"My sister?" He said with a doubt on his tone.

"IU right?"

As she mentioned her name, the glass slipped on his hands and it break.

"Hey, are you fine?"

His senses came back when he felt a hands holding his hands. He looked at their hands.

"You're bleeding." She said as she washed his hands and wipe it off.

They are now at the living room and Lisa is trying to put band aid oh his hand.

"You fine now?" Lisa asked him.

Jungkook just looked at her and with a glimpse of an eye he hold Lisa's chin and kissed her.

Lisa was caught off guard. She can't pushed him and she don't know why. It looks like his lips is drowning her. Her hands starts to travel at his nape holding it tightly.

And what the hell you are doing Lisa?

With his kiss, she begin to response into it and they stayed for a long time.


When her senses came she cutted the kiss.

"I'm sorry. I need to go." Jungkook said as he stand which Lisa also followed him at the door.

When he was about to open the door, Lisa immediately hugged him.

Jungkook was shocked of what Lisa is acting now.

Lisa what are you doing?! He has a wife!

Jungkook hold her hands and faced her. Her tears fall when he faced her.

"Hey." He said as he wiped off her tears with his thumb.

"I know I should not do this, but Kook. It is hard for me to forget you, I can't." She cried. "I still love you. I know it's wrong because you already have your own family."

"Lisa." He said as he held her chin to face him. "Me too. I regret what I did at the past. I regret letting you go. I regret everything. Please promise you won't let go. Let's fix this." He said as he kissed her forehead.

"I promise." She said as she hugged him.

I'm ready to take the risk.


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