Chapter 26

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The elevator doors open. Izzy enters the Institute and approaches me and Alec.

"Heard from Mom. Max is on his way." He says.

"Feels like just yesterday we were taking knives away from him." She says.

"Your parents let you play with knives?" I ask.

"Oh sometimes." Alec says.

"Our baby is never playing with knives." I say.

"Max's lucky to have you as a tutor." He says to Izzy.

"Alec, maybe it's a mistake putting me in charge of him." She says.

"Are you kidding? Izzy, you're the smartest one here and one of our toughest fighters." I say.

"But it's just... I don't totally feel like myself yet." She says.

"What about those mundane meetings you mentioned?" Alec says.

"They're helping, even though they think I'm talking about heroin." She says.

"Raphaels dealing with it in his own way." I say.

Jace and Clary approach us.

"Shadowhunter down!" Jace says.

"Milo Keytower." Clary says.

"What happened?" Izzy asks.

"From what I understand, his runes were carved out. Is that true, Jace?" Imogen asks.

"Yes, after he was attacked by a wolf." Jace says.

"He had multiple bite and claw marks." Clary says.

"What kind of werewolf randomly attacks a Shadowhunter?" Izzy asks.

"One who's trying to send a message." Alec says.

"And get the attention of the Clave." Imogen says.

"We need to find them before this happens again." Clary says.

"Well, I think I have a pretty good idea who it is." She says.
Me, Alec, and Jace have entered the restaurant. We approach Luke and Simon's table.

"Luke, we need to talk." Alec says.

"A Shadowhunter's been mutilated and killed by a wolf." Jace says.

The other wolves in the restaurant are silent and look at us with suspicion.

"Watch your tone in here." Luke says.

"How do you know a wolf killed him?" Simon asks.

"There are claw marks and traces of DNA on the body." I say.

"Luke, the inquisitor would like you to come in. Just to answer a few questions." Jace says.
Luke is being questioned by Imogen. Me, Jace, and Alec are in the room, too.

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