Chapter 30

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Me, Luke, and Magnus go to the Seelie realm to see the queen.

"Milady, I now present to you Magnus Bane, Desiree Belcourt, and Lucian Graymark." A servant says and we bow.

"So the Clave lied and Valentine has the Sword. Is anyone surprised?" The queen asks.

"Milady. We agree that it's time to take charge of our destiny. We've come to accept your offer to unite the Downworld to hunt Valentine." Magnus says.

"Good. But we do it our way. No more playing by the Clave's rules." She says.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, we didn't come here to start a war with the Shadowhunters." Luke says.

"The Shadowhunters want us dead. You think it's an accident they lost Valentine?" She asks.

"Not all of them want us dead. Some are trying to change the way things are." I say.

"Has that done anything at all in the past decades?" She asks.

"I don't trust the Clave, but I trust Clary. She told me that she and Jace recovered the Mortal Mirror to protect the Downworld from Valentine." Luke says.

"Your love for the Shadowhunters weakens you. That's why your pack has lost so many wolves. And why you have a second in command running things while you're off playing house with a Shadowhunter." She says to me.

"My pack's losses are because of Valentine." Luke says.

"And we aren't playing house, we love each other." I say.

"Love fades, then you'll be left with a child that everyone wants dead." She says.

"After the lies your friends told you surely you're on my side?" She asks Magnus.

"Desiree, we came here to stop Valentine, not make new enemies by breaking the Accords." Luke says.

"Don't let a fling get in the way of protecting your people." She says to me.

"I beg your patience, Your Grace. But breaking our allegiance to the Shadowhunters is a step that requires consideration." Magnus says.

"Decide quickly. Once all the petals on this rose turn black... your time is up. And remember, those who don't come to my side will be on the losing side." She says giving Magnus a rose that she puts in his pocket.

"Milady." We says then go to leave.
I'm sitting in my apartment thinking about whether we should accept her offer or not. We should because it will save our people and she is right, they lied to us, but they had a good reason to. What if I'm overreacting, we'll have fights, but if I betray them, he'll never forgive me. I need to think of my people, I'm a queen first.

I'm staring out the window when there's a knock on the door.

"Desiree?" Alec asks.

I go and open the door.

"I know I have no right to ask for favors, but I need you. It's Max." He says as I'm about to close the door.

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