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You Set Me Free Before I Thought It Was Possible...

You Set Me Free Before I Thought It Was Possible

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From The Point of View of Xavier James

I woke up in the arms of my mother, I was on the floor in the dining room and I was surrounded with all of the women in the family. They seemed relieved to see that I was ok. I did not say a word, I whipped my eyes and I sat up. I saw all of the men, including Ben restraining my father, as my uncle escaped. Quentin, David, JaySean, Ben, and my grandfather all worked to restrain my father. I could see the anger in his face. I felt guilt wash over me, I shouldn't have revealed such information at this time. I was so afraid because of what my uncle told me all those years ago, he vowed that if I ever revealed this information to the family, he would kill me. I was also afraid because of how my family would view me. I was scared because I knew they were going to treat me like damaged good, and that was something I did my best to avoid...

"Oh my God, Thank God you're ok!" my mother cried as she hugged me.

"I just can't believe it! I cannot believe this motherfucker raped my nephew!!!" Aunt Kim shouted in a fit of rage as she stood up and went in search of my uncle.

"Right! We finna whoop this bitch ass! I can't believe this shit!" Aunt Monique screamed and threw her hands in the air.

"Y'all! Please no! Please!" I said as I stood up.

"No baby, we need to put him back in jail, sick bastards like him deserve to be in jail." Grandma Mattie said as she whipped the tears from her eyes.

"I just can't believe this shit! And Mattie you are damn right! That's my son but he has to go! He has to go right now! I can't understand what went wrong with that child! What did we do wrong, Abraham?!" Grandma Georgia sobbed as my grandad walked over and consoled her.

"Ben?" I called out as I sat on the floor with my mother.

Ben walked over to me and he did not say a word, he had a remorseful look on his face and I could tell that he did not know how to react in this type of situation. He helped me and my mother off the floor and my mom pulled a seat from the dining room table and sat in it. She let out a sigh after she got settled in her new seat.

"Mama, may I be excused? I need to talk to Ben outside."I asked as I grabbed Ben's hand.

"Yeah baby, all of us need to talk anyway... Take your brothers with you...We have a family crisis on our hands. Jay, Que, and David excuse yourselves. Go outside. We all need to talk in here." My mother announced as she stood up.

"Yes ma'am." all three of my brothers answered in unison.

All five of us headed outside to the patio, I held Ben's hand as I led the way to a spot in the backyard far away from my brothers. Hopefully, they would not be able to hear our conversation. Even though they were nosy as fuck, I think they would give Ben and I some privacy regarding the nature of what just happened and I believed that they didn't want to start any more problems. Ben and I sat on a swing set and stared at the glowing house a few yards away. I looked into the dining room, and my mother and father seemed to be in a debate as my family listened to them. I saw my grandmother's bickering and my best guess was that they were trying to figure out how to best handle this situation we had on our hands.

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