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Dreamin', Between Us...

From The Point of View of Xavier James

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From The Point of View of Xavier James

Two Weeks Later

Two Weeks Later

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Miami, Florida

Four Seasons Hotel  - Miami, Florida

I stood idly in the middle of Ben and I's hotel suite. I walked over to the mirror and I examined myself.  I turned and looked at the outfit I laid out on the bed in preparation for tonight's ceremony. Then I turned around and stared at myself in the mirror once again and I felt a surge of nervousness fill up within me. Every scenario possible began playing in my head of what could ultimately go wrong once Ben, his operatives and everyone else involved released Giannis' sex tape to the world. I was scared not only for Ben's life but for mine as well. I knew Giannis had an unexplainable power, that I could never grasp, he was the one who helped Leonard kidnap me and he was the one who paid Cam to spy and ultimately try to murder Ben. He knew of my existence which meant that he could try to hurt me or kidnap me again just to be spiteful toward Ben... As the thoughts in my head began to spiral out of control, and as my heart began to beat out of my chest, Ben walked over to me and he wrapped his muscled arms around my small lean frame and held me in an embrace.

"Xavier are you ok?" he asked as he turned me around and stared into my eyes as he held my shoulders with his large hands.

"Yes, I'm ok..." my voice trembled in nervousness.

"You're lying what's wrong? Your heart is beating fast as fuck and you're beginning to sweat..." he observed as he looked me up and down, held his hand on my chest to feel my heart beat before he gently caressed my face.

As he held my trembling hand in his, he tried to soothe me as he brushed my hair with his hand and stared into my eyes. I could tell instantly he knew what bothered me...

"I will call all of this off...if it is bothering you this bad Xay." Ben whispered as he stared into my eyes with a blank look written upon his face.

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