Chapter 19

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"You wanted to know who my girlfriend was right?" He asked holding her face in his hand.

"Arjun....Geetha is not safe...where is she? Answer me." She said ignoring what he said.

"Shruti...calm down." He said cuddling her in his arms.

"She's safe...and she is under my police team's custody though she's at home." He said.

Arjun looks at his phone to see a few missed calls from Shruti's mom and his mom.

"Hello Aunty." Arjun said.

"Shruti still havn't came back and didn't even pick up the call." Her mother was crying.

"Aunty...Shru is fine was jus...I'll explain everything when we get home." He said.

"She's with me aunty. Don't worry." Arjun said handing the phone to shruti.

"Amma?" Shruti said as her mother finally smiled.

"Where were you?" She asked as Shruti disconnected the call.

"I'm hungry." She said as the driver stopped at a drive through and Arjun buys her a sandwich.

Soon they get home to find Shruti's mom and Arjun's mom both at Arjun's house.

"What happened Shruti?" Her mom asked hugging her.

"Some men kidnapped her but...the police saved her before anything could happen." Arjun said as he mother started to touched her stomach.

"What happened here ma?" She asked as caressing her daughter's stomach.

"The man kicked me." She said softly as her mom starts to cry along with Arjun's mom who held Shruti.

"I need to go see Geetha." He said running upstairs.

"Geetha? Are you alright?" Arjun asked.

"Arjun?" She said as she finally opened her eyes and smiled.

"Arjun...Dad's involved in this too...not just uncles....The men tried to kill me years ago cause I found out." She said.

"What are you saying?" Arjun asked hugging his sister.

"Arresting uncles are not gonna cut it. Dad is the main culprit." She said.

"What do you mean Geetha?" Their mom and Shruti with her mom came towards her.

"Your husband tried to kill me...nobody else..." Geetha tried to scream but fainted without enough energy.

Soon the doctor came to treat both girls. After hours of rest, both girls were back to normal.

Arjun couldn't find his dad nomatter where he searched. The uncles wouldn't even try to say anything. It wasn't like it was a dead end.

"How do I find Dad?" Arjun was thinking to himself as Geetha walked into his room.

"Geetha...why did you come here?" He asked as she sat down on a chair.

"I need to talk to you." she said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Please don't let people like dad go...I know you're a cop now cause I heard both your cries, Mom's cries and Shruti's cries too." She said.

"Shruti?" He asked.

"Don't love her as much as she loves you." She said.

"I know I shouldn't have let her on her own all these years but I was scared if she would get harmed if someone found out that I was a cop." He said.

"Go talk to her now." She said.

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