Chapter 21

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Soon Arjun went back to work. He had to find where his dad was. His dad probably found out that he knew by now and the only way to get to his dad was his dad's assistant.

He went to the office for the first time to look for clues. He had to hide his identity. He went to the office to see it locked up. He walked into the MD's office and found it locked by a passcode.

"Passcode?" He said as he kicked the door.

"What does dad even set his passcode to be? Ooof..." He thought.

He typed in Arjun as the lock opened and allowed access for him to go inside. As soon as he walked in, he found a few files. He opened it up to find it just a business thing. He knew there was not going to be a clue randomly lying and started to search everything.

After a while, he found a file and opened it up to see a flash drive inside it with no label.

He took it with him and got his laptop out in his car and opened up the drive.

He realized it was all the girls whom they had kidnapped. This had all been done through the help of other hugged companies around the world including Arjun's dad's.

It was time to arrest his to kill his dad. He got special orders from his heads to shoot all men involved in this and it's time to show his dad who he was.

He had never been so close to his dad though his dad loved him more than anything. His dad wanted Arjun to continue his business but since Arjun didn't connect with him, he wasnt able to do anything.

"Dad." Arjun called his after a very long time after finding where his dad was.

"Arjun? You're here? Your uncles said you were against us but i guess they were wrong." His dad said.

"You know dad? A dad is his son's first hero and his daughter's first love. Geetha trusted you more than anything and I used to look up at you for everything when i was small. We were both wrong cause no dad would plan to kill his own daughter. My sister means the world to me..." Arjun said as he took his gun out.

", you will go to jail for this." His dad was startled.

"Jail? I am part of FBI, Federal bureau of Investigation...undercover cop...and I got special permission to shoot you. You see, I'm being selfish here but it's for all my sisters around the world. Don't worry your mates, my uncles will join you in hell soon." He said as he shot his dad on the heart.

The next day as Shruti got up, she ran to Geetha's room to see Geetha and her mother talking about Arjun's wedding.

"Shruti...come here." Arjun's mom said.

"We found a great match for Arjun." His mom was saying.

"Match?" Shruti asked

"A girl..for him to marry." She said.

"Oh." Shruti's eyes dropped.

"Look at the picture." Geetha said handing her a pic.

Arjun walked by like nothing happened.He knew his mother would break down to here that her husband and her brothers are dead but he had to tell them.

"Mom, the police called." He said looking disappointed.

"What happened? Did they catch them?" She asked.

"They are dead." He said waiting for his mother to cry but she didn't.

"Finally. These girl's prayers are satisfied." His mom said.

"Mom?" Arjun said.

"I know what you are thinking Arjun. I cried Yesterday when Geetha told me but now...I am glad i have my son and daughter back save and sound. They deserved it and if I cry for them, I am heartless." His mother said as he hugged his mother.

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