Chapter 19

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Sadly, another chapter unedited. My laptop isn't working right so I'm going to have to fix it before I return to classes.


The night was filling up with music from DJ QM as the Lake Lilac Summer Social began. (Y/n) nodded her head to the beat, her hands were covered in paint and ink from making posters announcing the dance.

She wore a small Lilac flower on her ear that David gave her earlier in the night, he wore a matching boutonniere for the occasion.

"God I hope someone spiked the punch," Max mumbled to Neil.

When (Y/n) overheard Max's comment, she quickly went to check on the punch. It wasn't that she didn't trust the campers, but she had bad experience with punch that was spiked. Both with alcohol or with poison.

(Y/n) knew none of the campers liked the idea of being together. The three camps had an unexpected rivalry between campers, so the atmosphere was thick with tension.

"Well I just ate two of everything on the snack table, ready to call it a night?" Nikki asked as she threw her plate

After hearing that they were planning on leaving, (Y/n) quickly stepped in.

"Woah guys, the nights still young!" (Y/n) smiled at the troubled trio, "I thought you guys would be excited for something like this,"

Gwen also joined the conversation, "yeah, dances give you a chance to cut loose! Party, maybe even find a summer crush,"

"Not when the guest list is filled with everyone you hate," Max told the two with an infamous eye roll

The three adults began to look around to see how bad the tension was. Gwen accidentally made eye contact with Pikeman and immediately regretted everything.

"Ew, I do hate all of that," she said grossed out.

(Y/n) looked around until she made eye contact with Snake. War flashbacks of the sexist comment came back to her as she glared at the young boy. (Y/n) lifted her hands and made a gesture towards him saying "I'm watching you,"

"Its not that bad, I remember when the Liliac Summer Social was the time where all camps put their diffences aside and have fun," David smiled as he reached over for (Y/n)'s hand. She turned her attention to him before lifted her eyebrow at him.

"You and I remember that dance completely different," (Y/n) said as she let go of David's hand, "that was before we were friends and you stuck a catapiller in my hair,"

"Well you got back at me the next morning when you put ants in my shorts," David chuckled at the memory. The sudden flash of memory cause then both go start laughing at their adventures when they were young.

The two noticed no one else related to their stories, instead giving them looks of confusion or excitement.

Or in Max's case, a look of pure hatred to David.

(Y/n) coughed awkwardly, "right, memories, touching,"

"C'mon Girls, let's go find a way to liven things up," David quickly changed the subject. The three counslers began to walk off in finding a way of bring life to the party

The three stood next to an open window. (Y/n) looked over David's shoulder as he went over the list for the night. In the corner of her eye, she swore she saw a shadow move.

(Y/n) turned her head as Gwen and David talked about how Neil has a new crush on a Flower Scout. The shadow quickly left (Y/n)'s mind as she focused on Gwen.

"Please tell me your not going to get involved," (Y/n) mumbled as Gwen reached over for David's clipboard

"Don't worry, I was the perfect match maker in highschool,"

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