{Chapter 24 - Sleeping Gas}

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[Hunter Examination Arc - Phase 4]

You had been walking for a while, with Gon on your back, and were exhausted. Gon really wasn't all that heavy, being a 49 kg 12-year-old.

However, lifting and carrying 108 lbs without any support, and walking for an hour was difficult. Plus, Gon would almost roll off your back every couple minutes, so you had to keep hoisting him up. 

After a while, Gon's body had started to heat up a bit, and you realized his body might've had a fever and could've been trying to fight off the poison, so you set him down. 

The two of you stopped near a river, where you ripped off the right-sleeve of your sweatshirt. 

'It was going to come off anyway...'


Then you rolled it up and put it in the cold water. Then you rested Gon's head in your lap and put the wet cloth on his forehead to cool him down.

You took care of Gon, giving him water, food, and cooling down his body until his fever went down. 

"You'll be alright..." You mumbled, and pat his head. You needed to protect Gon... you didn't really know why, but he was your friend... a really, really good friend...

After all, he called you "Y/N-chan"... 

Later on, it was night. The sky had turned dark, and a crescent moon shone. The poison was gone, and Gon's fever had also gone down thanks to you.

Gon woke up with a jolt and sat up. You rushed over, making sure everything was alright, but then...

Suddenly, to your shock, Gon burst out in tears. 


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Your eyes softened as you saw that brave boy you had met on the boat, for the Pre-Hunter Exam, cry. The boy that had become your first friend in a while. The boy that called you 'Y/N-chan', and would always smile. 

You put your hand on his shoulder, and pulled his small frame close, hugging him tightly. 

Gon couldn't wipe his tears or hug you back. His hands balled up into fists, as he sobbed out of frustration.

You gently put his head on your shoulder, as he sobbed.

"I... I couldn't do anything against Hisoka..." He mumbled into your shoulder, as he broke down. You could feel your sweatshirt start to get wet, from his tears.

After being made helpless by Hisoka, Gon's pride had been wounded for the first time. He spent the rest of the night in anger and sadness, that he wasn't able to do anything.

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