Chapter 17: Last Tip

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Taehyung is now sitting on one of the benches in school.

"So what happened Tae?" Jimin asked.

"I told him stop treating me like his boyfriend cause I'm not" Taehyung said.

"It's because of the kiss right?" J

"Yeah, he kissed me without permission and the worst we're in front of Jungkook that time so he saw it" Taehyung said frustrated.

"Oh I remember Jimin did you bring that Recipe of Love book? I want to know the last tip, I want to do it" Taehyung suddenly asked and change his mood.

"Yeah, I always bring it with me" Jimin said and laugh, Jimin get the book inside his bag and read it.

"So tip number 5 the most important tip, first you must prepare a simple gift made by you and use the things that remind you of him, find a place to talk with him alone and confess your feelings" Jimin finished reading.

"Sounds tough, are you sure you want to do it?" Jin asked.

"I'm sure! 101% sure" Taehyung cheered.


Taehyung is now in his room in front of his study table he's so busy in doing what to give to Jungkook when he confess.

Taehyung is so focused that his pout is already showing, he's holding one of the purple rose that Jungkook gave him, he put out his cute greeting card and paste the button he picked up before in it and write *Dear Button, I think I love him* he tie it in the stem of the rose with a white ribbon.

"It's done, finally!" Taehyung said and stretch his arms, it's getting late so he cleaned his study table and go to bed, he needs to get up early in the morning.


After the ceremony, Jungkook roam around the campus while holding his camera, he's sure that he'll miss it here, Jungkook sigh and decided to go to the rooftop to take more photos.

In the other hand Jimin and Jin is now pushing Taehyung to follow Jungkook, when they arrive at the rooftop they push Taehyung and close the door.

Taehyung awkwardly walk towards Jungkook holding the rose behind his back, Jungkook turn his head to him and smile.

"Hi Tae! what brings you here?" Jungkook asked and take a picture of Taehyung.

"U-uh there's s-something I want to tell you" Taehyung said he's now in front of Jungkook.

"Ah, what is it?" Jungkook asked, Taehyung breath first before saying what he want to say.

"I just want to tell you that since the first day I saw you I already like you, I tried everything so you can notice me, I tried to act Snow White for drama club, I even tried to follow those stupid tips from recipe of love, I wrote your name in the stars, I tried to hypnotize you just so I can tell you're my soulmate, I tried to give you gift, I even tried every products to make me fairer, I stop wearing my glasses and braces and think maybe just maybe you find me pretty too, I made myself beautiful, smarter and be better at everything so I will be at your level too, I tried everything because of you..... I love you Jeon Jungkook" Taehyung finally said and hand him the purple rose, Jungkook get the purple rose he doesn't know what to say.

While Taehyung is waiting for Jungkook answer he notice that there's something written in the left side of Jungkook's uniform near his heart *Sana🔒* Taehyung eyes gets teary, he look at Jungkook

"Tae--" "You and Sana? oh! you look good together what a great match I'm happy for you" Taehyung said and laugh bitterly.

Since Jungkook is just a few inches taller than Taehyung, Taehyung tiptoe and kiss Jungkook in the forehead

"Good bye" Taehyung said and run.

"TAE!" Jungkook try to call him but he keep on running with tears and a broken heart.


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