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I was forced to stay in province because of the drug controversy I had, away from what I used to like, parties, booze and boobs.  It was a boring province, not until I saw Stancia, those innocent eyes and smile, makes me want to stay in this province.

It was the best summer of my life, her sweet smile spice up my life. Her giggles, rocks my world, her smell makes me hype, I don't need cocaine to make me alive, I surrender myself to her, I devote my whole self to her.

She's like a fairy on the woods, with wavy hair and beautiful face, she cast a spell on me, I can't take my eyes off her, I want to be with her, I want to change, for her to see that Im a better man than before. I want to fit in her peaceful world.

I don't think Im happy like this before, she also love me! My sweet and innocent Stancia also loves me! I think Im flying in cloud nine that moment, I want to prove that Im better and changed man now. I handle the business, even when I don't understand at first, I want her to see that Im serious now in my life. I don't want our relationship to be in secret, I want everyone knows that we're together but I respect her decision, she grow up in a conservative family. She's the best thing happen to me.

My life turn upside down when she left me, she even leave her home because of me. I keep on asking her friends, I always went to their campus, hoping I can find some clue on where is she, I tried begging her parents to tell me, Im on my knees begging but they don't tell me, I know I messed up big time, I know the child is not mine, it was very long ago since Im with another girls, its only Stancia the moment I saw her. I had a plan to runaway with her, I have money no one can find us, I will not marrying other girls, I will only marry Stancia, just her.

I was looking at her from afar while she's drinking in the bar, she's not my sweet and innocent Stancia that I know, she had changed. She dances and moves like a city girl now. For all the years that I tried to find her, I saw her on a bar! The place that I couldn't imagine! Honestly, Im scared that maybe she's already with someone and Im late, Im scared that she won't look at me again the way she looked at me before, and she already love someone else, the idea hurts me like hell.

I will do everything I can to win her back, I will not stop until the universe let me have her again.I will never let her leave my side again, I will make her mine officially.

"Laz?" - i kissed her hair, she's sitting in front me while I back hugging her. I will never get tired sniffing her vanilla smell.

"Yes baby?" - were siting under the akasya tree where we used to date, there is so many memories on this place, I used to stay here before, when I missed her and there's nothing I can do but reminiscing what we had before and blame myself. Many years had passed but the letters that carved on the trunk of the tree is still there, this tree witness how I love Stancia.

"Gusto ko ng mangga" - I chuckle, I get the sliced green mango from the basket.

"Bagoong?" - She always wants her mango with bagoong, she nooded.

I give her the mango ang bagoong. She kiss me on the checks and eat. I caress her not so big tummy, our baby.

"Do you want anything?" - she sometimes craves unusual foods.

"Wala na, tikman mo" - I open my mouth, I always eats what she wants me to eat or else she will get mad and will ignore me for days.

On her first trimester she is very sensitive to my smell, I changed my soap and perfume many times because if I don't she wont let me hug her or be close to her.

"Laz, I love you" - she's sometimes sweet and sometimes grumpy, but nevertheless she's still beautiful. It's very seldom when she says she loves me, I feel like its the first time she told me she loves me.

"I love you so much" - I kisses her neck, I know she's very sensitive and ticklish in the neck, she wiggles.

"Nakikiliti ako" - i continue kissing her, her laugh is music to my ears.

"Ano ba Laz!" - she tries to out on my embrace, but I won't let her, no way.

"Im sorry" - she face me, sitting astrid at my lap, she hold my face and kiss me quickly.

"Ang pangit mo!"- she smile and pinch my face, her smile brightens my day, always.

"Really?" - I hold her closer to me.

"Oo, pero kahit pangit ka mahal pa rin kita" - she always amuses me. When she told me she's pregnant after our honeymoon in Europe, Im the most happiest man alive, she even told me on father's day!

I remember how she cries and smile during our wedding day, her vows is the sweetest thing I've heared. Its the happiest moment of my life, standing near the altar and waiting for her, she's the most beautiful bride, even she's crying.

"I love you and our baby" - I kissed her temple, she's sometimes very clingy to me and sometimes doesn't want to see me, I will always grab the chance that she clings to me.

"Thank you for coming into my life" - I sincerly said.

"You are the sweetest thing happened to me" - I pinch her cute nose.

"Hmm" - she caress my jaw, feeling my stubbles, her touch awakens my soul.

This is our favorite place, the mountain scenery in front of us and the trees witnessed our secret dates before and until now. The tweet of birds is like a music to complete the beautiful ambiance we have. The peace and calmness it gives, I will never bargain to the noise of city. This is my life now with her.

After we got married, we moved back here in province, this is her home, our home. She stopped working when we found out she's pregnant, I can't risk her fragile pregnancy, I can always work for her and to our family, I will provide everything they need, I will work hard.

I may not a perfect person for her but I will do my best to compromise my flaws. I may had a bitter past but I will make our present and future better, I will hold on to our love, everything will fall into places.

I will prove my love to her until the end of my life.


The Sweet Taste of Summer (Summer Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now