Chapter 30 ~ Ultra big problem

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"All right, Clemont, that was your name, wasn't it? Okay, so tell me exactly everything you did before that hole opened to the sky," Lusamine said, staring at Clemont seriously at the other end of the kitchen table.

It hadn’t been very long since Lusamine had called Professor Kukui and appeared to them. They had gathered at the professor's house and it was a little cramped when 15 people + all the Pokemon were crammed inside.

After a small investigation, Lusamine had taken Clemont into questioning, and she wanted to find out every little detail that had led to this situation.

"Uh.." said Clemont nervously, glancing at the others, who either showed their thumbs up, smiled, or, like Bonnie, rolled their eyes. "Okay, so I did this"

"I had hurled a device myself that could study Nebby, that device is that charred carcass in that. I did it originally because I wanted to find out if Nebby was really a creature called the Ultra Beast. But when I didn't get the chance to study it for the first time, I left the device and did a few fixes "

"Well, then when I got another chance to study Nebby today, I immediately seized the opportunity. I got Nebby to agree to go to my device and was able to start researching. But my invention exploded and you know the rest"

When Clemont finished his narration, Lusamine got up and stepped to the window. She stared out of it and watched a jellyfish-like creature hovering in the sky and hadn't really moved a cent of it.

Others looked at her quietly and then Professor Burnet asked, "So, Lusamine, what do you think of all this?"

Lusamine did not turn when she answered. "The creature that came from that hole is definitely an Ultra Beast, there's no doubt about it. How the hole formed in the sky is still a little unclear."

"Do you have any theories about that?" asked Professor Kukui and Lusamine turned and looked at the waiting crowd.

"I think it happened somehow like this: Clemont's device collected some energy from Nebby and released it into the sky. That energy was strong enough to open that hole, which we can now call the Ultra wormhole."

The crowd was silent for a moment until Ash opened his mouth and asked, "So, what do we do now?"

Lusamine was silent for a moment and then replied, "We have to somehow get that Ultra Beast back into the Ultra wormhole and close it before it slip out any other creatures."

The others nodded and Wicke said, "Faba and I can start figuring out how to close that Ultra wormhole, can't we Faba. Faba?" She blinked around, looking for Faba, who had just been by her side. "Where's Faba?" she asked and the others flashed around as well.

"He's not here anymore, where has he gone?" asked Burnet and Ash also noticed that Nebby was gone. "Uh... has anyone seen Nebby?" he asked and Lusamine understood the matter.

"Faba!" she exclaimed and rushed out the door.

"Shh, little Ultra Beast, shut up now," Faba said to the annoying Nebby in his arms and stepped towards the shore.

Faba had dreamed of this for a long time. He had always wanted to see the real Ultra Beast and now one was right in front of him. He would not miss this opportunity, never. And Lusamine wouldn't stop him.

Faba reached the beach and looked straight at the Ultra Beast hovering in the sky.

"Hey beauty, welcome to our world," he said in a blissful tone in his voice and the creature stared at him. It made no movement and Faba looked at Nebby rattling in his arms.

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