Chapter 1

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Just a simple word that can mean so much.

Okay not really but you gotta admit that would've sounded pretty deep if I actually knew the 'so much' part.

But maybe I do.

I mean of course I do, I've go through too much for me not to know.

The way I see it everyone does have that little bit of darkness inside of them. Just think about it.....

Its the part of you where you feel restrained, the part where you feel like you're locked in and can't get out. When you feel alone like no one is there to help you, I know for me that no one was there.

I know I have to get out of this darkness especially right now but it really makes it hard to after being hit in the head with the back of a gun...........twice

But this helped me though, I can plan each and every one of their deaths to make it excruciatingly painful and slow.

I want to watch the hope that died in me a long time ago slowly slip away from eyes as I kill them, my captors.

My head starts throbbing and my throat feels so fucking dry, you'd think if you are kidnapped you'd be treated properly.

My eyes flutter open and now I have to adjust to the sudden light that just had to be in front of me, like seriously people have some sense for once in your pathetic lives.

"I see Sleeping Beauty is finally awake," a man who I don't recognize says while laughing a little at his own lame excuse of a joke.

"Oh sweetie I can put you in a deep sleep but it won't be pretty," I say my voice coming out hoarse

I hear some people snicker and it is then I realize I had people surrounding me ten guys to be specific.

I can totally take them.

“You're going to regret not bringing more people" I mutter

"You're just a kid,"

Little fucker, I'll show him whose just a kid.

"So what do you band of misfits want with a sweet little kid," I say fake smiling.

"I wouldn't call killing our Leader and our best men sweet," the same guy who spoke says, he looks like a Ron though..........I'll just call him that.

"You say manslaughter I say self defense," I retort and not allowing him to answer I continue,"You can do all of us a favour and just let me go without a fight and I will spare you but if you don't do as I ask there will be blood spilt and it will be on your dead hands not mine."

"You are going to tell us where your weapon is the one that killed hundreds of people then we might even consider letting you go and do you really think that you can kill us especially since you are tied up to that chair" Ron says completely ignoring what I had just said

How rude.

"I don't see how that can stop me but fine I'll tell you where it is but as you know I can't say it out loud that's just stupid, give me a pen and paper," I say in a sweet voice "Mark give her what she wants" Ron orders a good looking guy.

Just because I'm going to kill him soon doesn't mean I can't appreciate a cute face.

"Are you going to untie my hands?" but they didn't seem to register the question so I explained,"I don't think I can write when my hands are tied up together"

"I think you'll manage just fine," Ron says and I just scowl at him.

I begin writing what they think is the location whilst my hands are tied up together, so fucking easy.

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