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hannah's point of view.

after i left the hospital yesterday, i went back to my house to continue planning the party for ag. i wanted to throw her a welcome back party and invite some of her friends. so far mia, gabi, avery, sohpia, kasper, and many other tiktokers she knows are coming. it's going to be a surprise party because i know she needs to get her mind off of anna for a little bit. 

her mom texted me a couple of minutes ago and told me that they were making there way here, so i right now i am setting up a few things. we already had the banner hanging across the entrance and the food set out. now, we just needed everyone to hide somewhere, so they could jump out when she comes into the house. 

ag's point of view. 

" mom, where are we going?", i asked as i looked out of the car window. this street looked very familiar but i couldn't make out why. i just need to get to kylie to see if they have any clue where anna is. i wasn't able to protect her then but now i am.  the car finally stopped in front of a random house and i looked at my mom. she started to get out of the car, so i followed her. 

"just stop asking question annagrace", she blurted. 

i obeyed her and grew quiet. we walked up to the door and my mom opened it. 

" mom, you can't just-"

"SUPRISE", a group of people yelled causing my face to grow red. i looked around the people and saw all my friends. i instantly ran to all of them, giving each of them hugs. they all flashed genuine smiles and asked me how i was doing. it felt good to be out of the hospital and walking around.  then hannah came from upstairs and smiled. 

" you did this?", i asked as she gave me a hug. 

" maybe", she replied. 

i was not expecting this at all. im so lucky to have all these people as my friends, especially hannah. she'd too good for this world. she's always willing to help someone and has a goofy personality, that is why i admire her. 

" have fun with your friend ag, tonight's all about you", she stated.

"if im having fun, so are you", i told her as i grabbed her arm. " i know you probably already met these people but let me properly introduce you". i brought her over to my friend group and introduced them one by one. 

they already liked hannah for planning all of this, so i knew she was already considered part of the friend group. 

my mom ended up leaving, so it was just my friends. hannah ended up turning on music, of my choice and we danced. we made tiktoks too and hannah was in a few of them, even tho she could barely keep up. 

the party was finally starting to die down and people were starting to leave. hannah was cleaning up and i offered to help but she wasn't letting me. 

" it's okay ag, i got it", she said, for about the millionth time. 

 i looked around the room. mia and gabi were the only ones still here, in their own world of course. i think mia is doing something for college and gabi's helping her. 

" it would be so much faster if you let me help", i reminded her. 

" you should let her help, her stubbornness isn't going to let this go", mia chimed in. 

hannah playfully rolled her eyes and motioned for me to help her. " fine, but if something happens, that's on you". 

 " ill be fine, the doctors said i didn't get any side effects from the coma", i shrugged as i started to throw things away. 

" okay, but you're not carrying anything heavy", she laughed as she started to take things to the kitchen. 

i rolled my eyes and followed her into the kitchen with more things. i sat them down on the counter and help her put them away. " thank you", i said as i looked into her eyes. 

" no problem, i know you needed i break", she smiled. 

" no but for everything, you've been here since day one and i really appreciate it".

" of course", hannah said as she turned around. 

" i really mean it hannah", i said as i lightly pulled her arm, causing her to turn around. 

she looked at me and smiled. 

i leaned into her face and without hesitation, she pulled my face into hers. her lips felt so right next to mines in that moment. her hands fell to my neck and mines to her waist. she was leaned back on the counter. 

my lips traveled down her neck, breaking apart for her lips. 

" ag, we can't do this", she quietly moaned as she spoke. 

i broke free from her neck and let go of her waist. she is right. i can't do this, not to anna. i looked up from her to see mia and gabi staring at us. i placed my hands on my face and sighed. 

"omg", i mumbled. 

a/n: shits getting real.

how is y'alls day today?

the next chapter is about to be something, that's all imma say. idk if i should leave y'all on this cliffhanger or post it later, lmao. maybe ill be nice, hahaha. 

- aaronisha :). 

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