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"Thank God you're okay." Brendon was pulling into a bone crushing hug almost as soon as he walked through the school doors.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Brendon struggled to get out. Ryan helped pry Pete off of the younger boy.

"I told you he was fine. Did you not believe me?" Pete pulled Brendon back into a more controlled hold and frowned at Ryan.

"Well you were pretty pissed last night, so pardon me for being worried." Ryan rolled his eyes at the remark.

"He's fine just like I told you." Brendon chuckled and pushed away from Pete.

"I don't get why you're so worried. I've gotten drunk at a party before." Pete and Ryan exchanged a nervous look. "What?"

"It's not important. You're okay and Ryan didn't murder anyone so that's all that matters."

"Why would you murder someone?" Ryan shook his head.

"Let's go find a vending machine. I want apple juice." Ryan placed his hand on Brendon's lower back and guided him hastily away from Pete.

"Did I do something wrong last night?" Brendon asked as they stood in front of the vending machine.

"What? Of course not. Why would you think that?"

"Why else would everyone be so worried?" Ryan sighed and leaned against the hallway wall.

"Do you remember playing spin the bottle?" Brendon looked down, trying to remember the events from last night. He could vaguely recall Pete dragging him into an empty room with a bottle. He knew that he'd kissed a few people, but he wouldn't be able to identify them.

"Kinda yeah." Brendon took the spot beside Ryan. Both of them slid down the wall to sit on the floor.

"Do you remember Seth Michaels being there?" Brendon thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Well he kept eyeing you during the game and when your bottle pointed to him, he took advantage of the situation."

Brendon reached over and placed his hand on top of Ryan's. The older didn't realize how tightly he was clenching his fists. He couldn't stop thinking of the way that pervert forced himself onto Brendon.

"If this is how you are the day after, I couldn't imagine how you were last night," Brendon joked. Ryan looked over him, his anger dissolving at the sight of Brendon's smile. "I'm assuming Pete was worried you'd hurt me or something?"

"I could never hurt you."

"I know." Ryan looked down, his heart slowly picking up speed.

"The only thing I wanted to do was protect you last night. I think my anger kinda got the better of me so when I said I was taking you home I guess everyone thought I was gonna get rid of the anger some other way."

Ryan turned his hand over and locked their fingers together. Brendon stayed silent and stroked the top of Ryan's hand with his thumb. Ryan let the gesture soothe him.

"All I could think about was getting you out of there, getting you somewhere safe. I knew I'd be the only one who could guarentee that nothing else would happen. When we got to your place, you passed out almost the moment I laid you in bed." Brendon leaned his head on Ryan's shoulder and let out a soft sigh.

"Thank you for taking care of me." Ryan smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"It was my pleasure. I'm just happy you're okay. " Brendon smiled as Ryan laid his head on Brendon, finding their position to be very relaxing. They didn't move when the warning bell rang. They ignored anyone who walked by them. Almost nothing could disturb the little bubble they'd created.

Almost being the key word. Brendon sat unmoved, thinking about Ryan, about last night, about right now. It was confusing to him. What did it mean for them?

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