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They were joking around again when they headed back to Grant's house, with him still in swimsuit and Eddie with his shirt on.
Grant let Ed shower first, waiting on the sofa his turn and not expecting Eddie to come out a lil later, half naked asking for his luggage.
«t-the bedroom»
Grant said blushing, quickly disappearing in the bathroom and leaving a confused Eddie heading to the bedroom.

When Grant came out of the shower he covered himself in two towels, going suspiciously to the bedroom hoping to not bump into Eduardo.
He instead found him asleep on his bed cutely lying sideways, making Narrator stop and smile at him.
«have a good rest honey bunch»
Grant whispered, taking off Eddie's glasses and kissing his forehead gently, focusing on dressing up all silent.

Eddie woke up two hours and a half later, looking around confused like a baby who has just woken up from a long nap.
He asked murmuring standing up, searching for his glasses.
Grant didn't hear him, too busy looking over the phone for the tacos recipe he followed, asking himself why the tacos seemed like burnt cookies.
Eddie found his glasses and put them on, following the strange food smell until he saw Grant in the kitchen.
«what are you doin?»
He asked, making Grant jump in fear.
«godness gracious Eddie, you scared me again»
«Grant is a pussy everyone!»
Eddie almost shouted, while Grant sighed.
«what are you cooking? it's past 10 p.m and you're still here?»
«well... I wanted to cook you tacos but apparently I can't make the tacos dough»
A sigh is heard again, while a smile appeared on the Mexican's face.
«that's sweet dawg, thank you»
He said taking a burnt cookie taco, eating a part of it slowly. Grant was biting his nails, looking at his reaction nervously; when Eddie swallowed he shook his head.
«I'm just gonna order it online, forget it»
«wait pendejo, that's not bad at all. it has a strange form but it's pretty much a taco»
Those words made Grant smile happily, making him determined again.
Love u Eddie

"it's all your fault" [Narrator x Eddie]Where stories live. Discover now