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Grant went suddenly away from the room, leaving a speechless confused Eddie.
When Josh and Mullen woke up Narrator was in the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone wearing a pink apron.
«that's gay man»
«why? you want a kiss?»
«nah I'm good»
Mullen spoke first, followed by the late Eddie.
«good morning everyone»
«morning loud ass Mexican»
«I'm not as loud as Mullen dawg»
«that's actually true»
«shut up and sit down, breakfast's ready»
Grant announced in his Narrator's voice, putting on the table steaming pancakes and sitting down near Eddie.
When they all started eating a notification sound broke the silence, making everyone turn around.
«god fucking damn it please no»
Eddie almost said desperately, making everyone look at him confused.
«what's up?»
«it must me my phone»
Eddie said almost sweating, getting up and going to take his phone from the sofa.
Narrator was worried, he started worrying before Josh and Mul did, after a day of a silent Eddie looking almost sick.

«you can't go on like this pretending that we don't care, you know mate?»
Mullen broke the silence that evening at dinner, making Eddie look down on his food.
«Eduardo you gotta tell me, tell us what's wrong»
Narrator couldn't help to stay silent, biting his lip repeatedly and nervously.
«take my phone Grant»
Eddie said still looking down on his food. Grant didn't hesitate, taking the phone and turning it on with Josh and Mullen looking on his shoulders.
The phone was full of messages, calls and even comments under videos.
All by the same person.
«“I know you're at Narrator's”, “I wish I could hug and kiss you till we die”»
Grant read out loud some of them, in shock as the others.
«this has been going on for a month, every day everything I do, she knows»
Everyone went silent, can't believing what's happening at Eddie.
«what the actual fuck is this?»
Narrator is the first to talk, clenching his fists angrily.
«this is fucking stalking, have you tried going to the goddamn police? it's illegal you know»
Mullen put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.
«what the fuck Eddie, you let her take you down like a fucking kid? how can't you do anything in a month?»

"it's all your fault" [Narrator x Eddie]Where stories live. Discover now