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Eddie noticed Grant's stare so he looked at him for one minute, enough for Grant to understand that he was uncomfortable. He started a random conversation wanting the other two to join it too, but as soon as they started talking the couple got on the slide.
«man it's a couple slide»
«I'm going with the fat bitch because he'll make us go faster»
«Josh I will drown you at the end of the day»
«try me bitch»
«then I guess I'm going with Eddie»
Narrator said receiving a nod from him, sensing the awkwardness after the kiss they had the day before.
Mullen and Josh sit one in front of the other, with Josh grabbing Mully's shoulders as they go down screaming like the idiots they are.
Grant is still looking at Eddie discretely when he sits, swallowing as Eddie sits behind him grabbing his waist. The man standing there gave them a ‘just kiss already’ look as he nodded, and that's when Grant pulls down the slide.
They both screamed making happy noises, forgetting the kiss and the awkwardness between them for the rest of the day.

They had plenty of fun at the park, getting finally at the showers ready to leave after. They unfortunately found only one shower free, so they decided to take a turn-based shower in which Eddie was first.
Mullen and Josh were talking about Grant-doesn't-know-what because too busy looking at a guy rushing through all the showers curtains looking for a free one. The exact moment he went for Eddie's shower Grant grabbed his wrist, electrocuting him with his eyes.
The guy looked confused at him, before practically running away in a rush.
Mully and Josh were quiet, but Grant was too busy looking mad at the rush guy to notice that they saw everything and started talking about it pretty seriously.

After everyone washed themselves they all dressed up, Grant still mad, Eddie glancing at him and the two other boys looking at the scene.

«Grant, Eddie, we need to talk»
Josh said when they all got in the car.

"it's all your fault" [Narrator x Eddie]Where stories live. Discover now