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Eddie waited on the bed, lost in his thoughts.
«what am I going to do?»
He mumbled closing his eyes trying to relax, interrupted by Grant entering the room.
«you prefer waffles or pancakes?»
Grant couldn't avoid to notice his troubled face, worrying again about him.
«are you okay Eddie?»
«yes, I'm okay don't worry»
«mh, so waffles or pancakes?»
«nothing, I gotta go»
Grant froze, looking confused at Eddie.
«you gotta go?»
«yes, I'm sorry»
«but... Eddie!»
Grant called his name, but it was too late since Eddie was already at the door.
He called again, watching the door closed with a sigh.

The day passed with Grant and Eddie chatting, all seemed normal and none of them had the courage to ask for more.
Josh called Eddie in the evening asking about Grant again in vain, but wisely calling Grant right after explaining Eddie's strange attitude.
«so you think he's scared?»
«yes, I don't know why but he's scared to tell others»
«god fucking christ, why doesn't he talk to me? am I not trustworthy?»
«I think that fear is related to something he experienced before, he needs to be helped by time and people he can trust»
«I'm trying to pull him closer to me but he runs away every time»
«I don't know mate, try to make him feel secure, he'll open up maybe»
«fuck... thanks Josh»
«always here bro»
Grant hung up sighing, calling Eddie to invite him to go out the day after.
«hey man, wanna hang out tomorrow?»
«oh, uhm... okay dawg, when and where?»
«come at my house at 4pm»
«alright, see ya»
«see you tomorrow honey bunches»
Again Grant hung up smiling, the only sound of his voice made him feel better and determined to get his Eddie.

"it's all your fault" [Narrator x Eddie]Where stories live. Discover now