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Eddie didn't sleep that night, he thought all night about who the hell could that male voice be.
«not the boys, I recognize their voices... maybe a friend? maybe... his boyfriend? no, he wouldn't have kissed me back if he was in a relationship... would he?»

Grant didn't sleep that night either, too busy thinking about if he was going too far with Eddie.
«Grant? Go to sleep dude»
«I'm worried Mark»
«stop thinking about it come on»
«I can't, I'll hurt him too much»
«this is a thing teens do, he's an adult he can handle this»
«I don't care who does this, I'm worried»
«Grant remember that this is for your happiness»
«Eddie's my happiness»
«oh, really? I didn't think that your happiness would make you even cry»
«please shut up and go to sleep»
«do as you please then, good night»
Mark left the living room, heading to Grant's bedroom.

The plan started the next day, where Grant called Eddie.
«come at my house, we need to talk»
He suddenly hung up, nervously biting his lower lip.
«come on man we will just push him a little, he'll have the courage to push me away if he feels like you»
«I don't think this is a good idea...»
«too late for that»
The doorbell rang.
«I can't do this Mark»
«then let me do it»
Mark opened the door, greeting Eddie with a smile.
«hey Eddie, welcome I've heard a lot about you»
«uhm... hi?»
Eddie was confused, he didn't understand who was that guy and why was he in Grant's house.
«so Grant here wanted to make things clear with you after what happened»
Mark grabbed Grant's shoulder, squeezing it to make he talk.
«uhm... so... Eddie I...»
He couldn't do it. That was a bad idea and he knew it.
Mark lost his patience, ruining the last piece of Eddie's hope.
«he doesn't love you, he's already in a relationship with me Eddie»

"it's all your fault" [Narrator x Eddie]Where stories live. Discover now