Summer Break 24

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A few weeks later

Alex comes back from Hawaii tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day of August...which is my last month here in California before I have to go back to the East cost and complete my senior year in highschool. It's sad looking back at the past two months that I have spent here. I have an unbreakable friendship with five guys. They treat me like I am one of we have know eachother since I am there baby sister and they are my older brothers. Now Nathan that is a different story. He is my best friend...who I having feelings for...we have had our share of makeout sessions but never nothing more...we aren't sure were it's going...we haven't told anyone not a soul, let me make it clear we are not in a relationship. We just like eachother a lot and we both know it. We are just really close best friends....well for now!

I am sitting on the ground with my legs crossed watching Nathan while he changes the oil in his car. 

"Do you remember the first day I met you. We went up on the roof onto your balcony and I was talking some shit about a stupid and chessy girly movie that this whole situation was?" 

"Yeah, and you said it would be an awful movie and I said I would watch it" Nathan continued fixing his vehicle. 

"To be fair I didn't want to be here at all." 

"Oh yeah and how did that work out for you!?" Nathan looked over at me

"Well I definitely love this movie!" I responded 

"Yeah I do too!" 

"This moment reminds me of my father" I spoke out "I would sit and watch while he did all these cool things to his car. Well at the moment I thought they were super cool because he would take things out of his vehicle and put new things in and well I was little I thought everything was cool anyways we would talk about stupid shit and he would always smear greece or oil on me and on my dirty boy clothes so whenever my mom would call us in to eat he would tell her that I worked my ass off and I helped him."

"Your father sounds like he was an amazing man!" 

"Trust me he was! God he was obsessed with cars. He probably loved cars more than he loved me. Hahaha!" I laughed at that thought. 

"That's not possible!" Nathan walked over and sat next to me. He cleaned his hands with a dirty rag and put his arm around me and held my hand. "See your a type of person that someone wants to shove you off a cliff but be at the bottom to catch you!" 

"Hahaa your such an ugly loser!" I playfully hit his ribcage. See this is the kind of relationship we have. We are so mean to eachother but we both know that none of it is real! It's the best kind of friendship!

Nathan gasped "That is so offensive! You can call me a loser but once you make a remark about my appearance...I take that to heart!" We both laughed 

"Haha, your so dramtic!" I said 

"Now your insulting my personalitly...again!" 

"Your so full of it!!" I giggled 

"Yeah full of organs and liquids!" 

I rolled my eyes at his idiotic comeback.

"You excited about Alex coming back tomorrow!?" 

"What kind of question even is that!!?" was my response

"Just informing the know since this is a movie and all!!" Nathan and I laughed

 The next day- August 1st

"ALEX!!" I shouted as Alex came through the front door. I ran and jumped into his arms He hugged me and picked me up and I wrap my legs around his fit body. "Your home!" 

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