Chapter 2

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{Percy POV}

Today was the day Chiron announced the 10 demigods to go to Japan. I was so excited, I barely got any sleep last night. Tyson's snoring didn't help either.

"Alright demigods!" Chiron pounded his hoof onto the ground, making us quiet. "To the gods!"

"To the gods!" I lifted my cup, thinking of Dad.

"Alright. Today, we will be announcing the 10 demigods. I'll be walking around cabin to cabin and informing you, Okay?" We cheered, and ate.

"Does Percy think I can go? Make things go ka-boom in Asian land?"

"Oh, definitely not so sure about the ka-boom part, but I hope we get to go."

"Inspection time!" We ran to our cabins and started to clean. Tyson was a big help. He was humming when Annabeth came in with a scroll.

"Hm..." She looked around, and nodded, giving us a four.

"Are you kidding me? You're just being strict, you know that?" I said, and she turned around.

"Strict?" She put her pencil under my bed and took out my shoes.

"Think again, Seaweed Brain." She smiled, and patted my shoulder. "Don't worry, 4 is pretty high for your cleaning skills."


"Kidding." She flicked my forehead lightly and exited the cabin. I sighed and sat on the bed, dropping my shoes.

"Tired?" Tyson asked me, putting the broom against the wall.

"Maybe a little."

Knock knock.

"Percy? Tyson?"

"Mr. Pony!" Tyson opened the door, and we stood up.

"Hey, Chiron."

"Hello to the both of you." He said, giving us a smile. "So the people who will be going to Japan from the Poseidon cabin is..."

We held our breaths.

"The whole cabin."

We blinked.

"As in...the both of us?" I asked, confirming to make sure I wouldn't be going on a boat I'm not invited on. He nodded and smiled.

"You two deserve a good break."

"Thanks, Chiron!" He nodded, and left. I got up, punching the air with excitement.

"Yes! Japan, here I come!"

"Tyson going to make Asian land go boom!"

", Tyson, we're going for vacation."

"Vacation go boom!"

I sighed, but smiled. I could tell he was excited too. He likes to make things go ka-boom when he's excited.

{Lucy POV}

I woke up, and found myself next to Natsu. I shrieked and pushed him off.

"Owie..." He got up, rubbing his head. "What was that for?"

"You...don't make me sleep with you!"

"But it was comfortable! Your bed's super soft!"

I sighed, pinching the skin between my eyes. "You're giving me a headache first thing in the morning."

"Oh. Should I get you water?"

"No, last time you tried you blew up my kitchen. I'm gonna go shower."

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