Chapter 10

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{Lucy POV}

" two know each other?" I asked, looking at the blonde. She had a dirtier blonde than I did. We all watched as she walked up to Percy and—


We gasped. 

"Percy!" I put my hands on his face. He looked almost as shocked as all of us. 

"Annabeth! What the heck?" He asked. The girl, Annabeth, glared at me. 

"I knew it. I knew I was sensing magic here. I knew I wasn't crazy." Then, she punched me. 

"Lucy!" I fell to the floor with a thud. I gripped the side of my face. 

"Lucy, are you alright?" Percy helped me up. The guild was starting to get mad. 

"Percy, snap out of it! Can't you see? They're trying to manipulate you! Now I get it!" She aimed her dagger at me. "They're monsters! That's why they could see us! That's why we could—"

"Annabeth, stop it!" She glared at Percy. 

"I'm going to punch you so hard you end up in your dad's palace underwater." She snarled. She had a very Erza-like aura. 

Percy stayed silent, but I could tell he wanted to explain. 

"Excuse me. Who are you to hurt our guildmate like that?" 

"E-Erza, I'm alright—"

"I asked a question." Erza said. The blonde girl eyed her. 

"I've never seen a monster like you before. Unless you count Kelly." 

"Annabeth, they're not monsters—!"

In a few moments, Annabeth had a sword pointed at his chest. I gasped. 

"If you don't shut up, I swear..." She glared at him. Percy gulped. 

"Hey! He's a guildmate! Leave him alone!" Gray said. "Who do you think you are, threatening us like that?"

"A child of Athena!" She said, as if that would scare us. 

"Athena? Who's that?" A lot of people whispered. 

"Um..Annabeth, I can explain." She looked at him. 

"Go on." 

He explained how he met us, and how we already knew about his parentage. 

"So...they're not monsters." She said. He shook his head. 

"No, they're wizards. Somehow, the Mist doesn't work here, and celestial bronze hurts them." Percy quickly explained. 


"Annabeth!" Pretty soon, a man in wheelchair rolled in with a bunch of others. At least 10-15. 

"Chiron! And....Oh my gods, what are you guys doing here?" 

"Are you alright, Percy?" 

"Jason? Leo? Piper? Hazel? Frank? And...everyone that came to Japan? What in the world is everyone doing here?"

"Wow. Not even a 'Hello, or Long time no see'? Harsh, Percy." One of them said. He was pretty short, and he had a belt around his waist. He wore dirty clothes. 

"Percy! You're not being charmspeaked, are you?" 

"What's up, Water man?"

"Hey, Percy." 

Pretty soon, the guild was filled with greetings. 

"I must speak to this master of yours." The wheelchair guy said. He tried to get up. 

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