Chapter 14

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{Percy POV}

"I'm not under a spell, Annabeth!" I said. 

Annabeth, Chiron, and I were standing in a mini-circle. Annabeth shrugged. 

"So in conclusion, you poisoned Lucy, thinking she put a spell on Percy." 

"Who knows, she could have been a child of Hecate." She said. I clenched my fists. 

"She isn't a demigod, Annabeth! Get that through your head! You clearly saw!"

"Still doesn't mean she doesn't have the ability to cast spells." Annabeth said. 

"They're not monsters. They're not evil!" I said. I realized that my palm was bleeding a little. 

"Hold on. What poison did you use?" 

She looked up at Chiron. 

 "The Thresaly Poison." 

I gasped. 

"You didn't."

"Annabeth, what did you do?" Chiron demanded. 

"I needed to make sure she broke that spell of hers."

"You idiot!" I tried to throw a punch at Annabeth, but she caught my fist with ease. 

"May I remind you that I'm a child of Athena."

"I don't care! You definitely are the dumbest person alive as of this moment!" 

"If she truly is a witch, or even a demigod, then she can heal herself. There's a cure."

"And what if she dies in three days? Will you take responsibility?"

I imagined Lucy's death. No. 

I got up super close to her face, just so that she knew I meant business. 

"If she dies..." I made her let go of my fist. "I'm going to drown you and make sure your body becomes nothing but a memory." 

Threatening Athena's child isn't the wisest thing to do(She told me herself), but I was mad. 

No, mad was an understatement. I was furious, and I wanted to punch her. I've never felt that way before, but now, I definitely did. 

I stomped out of the room, grabbing Riptide from Chiron's hands. He didn't stop me. 

Outside, it was pouring. 

It rains a lot when Juvia is sad. Lucy once said. 

Did they find out?

I ran to the guild building. Unfortunately for me, I did not have control over how much the rain wetted me. 

In other words, I got soaked. 

I burst through the doors, to find myself in an empty room. 


Then I saw a group of people coming downstairs, silently crying. They saw me and gasped. 

"You should go upstairs, mate." One said, and they walked out of the guild, opening their umbrellas. 

I ran upstairs, hoping it was Lucy. 

I had to go through a maze of people, but I managed to find the door. 

"Lucy!" I saw her lift her blonde head up. 

"Percy!" She ran towards me, but she stumbled and tripped. I caught her in my arms, tears already forming in my eyes. 

Lucy was crying into my chest. I hugged her head. 

I'm so sorry Lucy...

"You!" Natsu had to be held back by Erza, who had tears in her eyes. 

"Your camp! You! Your so called friends! You all poisoned Lucy! She's going to fucking die, you asshole, and what are you going to do about it?!" He screamed at the top  of his lungs. 

"Natsu stop it!" The little girl, Wendy, was covering her mouth, crying. Gray was leaning against the wall, glaring at me. 

Lucy was shivering. She was crying. 

Lucy was all about smiles. I don't think I've ever seen Lucy cry so much before. 

"A war, Percy. There's going to be a war." She said with a trembling voice. 


"A war!" She yelled. "Our friends,  your friends, they're all going to fight! I-I don't know what to do!" She yelled. 

"Who gives a fuck about a war?!" Natsu yelled. "You're gonna die!" 

Lucy seemed to cry harder when she heard that. 

"And I'm dying! That poison your friends used wasn't just's—"

"Thresaly Poison." I said, hugging her tighter. Then I whispered, "I know." 

She looked up at me. "There's only one cure..."

"No. We're not going to use that cure." 

"At least I'll stay alive!" 

"Then you'll be as good as dead!" 

She straightened herself out. 

"I can't even do anything with my magic...I'm so pathetic..." Wendy whispered. Levy, I think, hugged her, comforting her. But she was also shedding tears. 

"We'll find a way. Don't worry." I said, gently grabbing her hand. 

"No, we will." Natsu pulled her away from me. 

"You belong with the enemies. And I'm warning you, making Fairy Tail your enemy was a huge mistake." 

Lucy struggler against his grip. "Let. Me. Go!"

"Cmon, Lucy." Erza gently took her hand, and they led her back to her bed. All of a sudden, she started to cough. 

"Can someone bring her water?" 

They gave her a cup of water, but when she withdrew her hand, it was...

"Blood?" Gray asked. She started to pant. I felt dark energy all around me. The poison. 

"Everyone, get out of here!" I yelled. They just looked at me. 

"Why?" Natsu asked suspiciously. 

"Hurry, we have to hurry!" My panic must've triggered my powers, because a harsh flood filled the room. 

"What the—" 

I made the flood wash everyone out. I felt the cold air of the outside, and stopped the flood. 

"What the hell?!" Everyone screamed. "Juvia, was that you?"

"No! Juvia didn't do that!" She exclaimed. 

"Lucy! Where is she?" The wizards started to look around. 

"She's fine." 


Purple writing appeared around the green-haired man. He was holding Lucy, and he was crouching. 

"That was you, wasn't it?" He asked me. I gulped. 

"I think...I think I let my powers out of control for a brief minute..." 

Then I noticed Lucy. She was unconscious, and her face was cracking.

"It's begun..." I said, walking up to her. The green-haired man pointed a sword at me. 

"Don't go near her." He said. 

"What's wrong with her?" Erza asked, walking over. 

"The poison. It's taking her life away." I said, pointing at her face. "It's begun." 

"What's begun?" Natsu demanded. "What's happening to her face?"

"She's going to crack and shatter in three days. That's the poison's job. To break you open and shatter you like glass." 


"Don't stop me, Erza." Natsu bursted into flames. "I'm going to kill them."

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