Chapter 23

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{Lucy POV}

"And that's basically it." 

I sat there, kind of in shock. 

"So...are you surrendering?" I asked Percy. Just the sight of his skinny face made me want to burst into tears and hug him. He looked the same way. 

"In a way, yes." Annabeth said. 

(30 minutes earlier...)

As we were getting ready to battle again, the duo walked in, weaponless. When we turned to look at them, they put their hands up in surrender. 

I gasped. 



"Why are you here?" Natsu asked, standing up and walking next to me. 

Percy nudged Annabeth. "Cmon. Say it." 

"I'm...I'm..." Our eyes met and locked. "I'm sorry. The war happened because of me."

We stayed in silence. 

"Lucy."  I turned around, and saw Master. 

"Gramps!" Natsu said. 

"It's your call to make." He said, looking at me with one eye. "You know what to do." 

Ankhseram's mark turned yellow. But it felt more like an ominous yellow. 

"I-I don't want war to keep happening." It took all of my willpower not to look at Percy. 

"One question." Gray spoke up. "Why'd you poison Lucy?"

(Back into present time)

"What about Chiron?" Master asked. Annabeth looked up. 

"They don't know we're doing this. They're probably getting ready for the fights." Annabeth said. "I'll take full responsibility for this. I promise." 

I nodded. 

"I...just have a question for you, Lucy." I rubbed my elbow as I looked at her. 

"Do you...Do you forgive me?"

I smiled. Such a simple question. 


She looked up. "Really?"

"Of course." 

Percy was squeezing his fists. 

"So...can I hug you now?" He asked. I almost cried as I threw myself on him. He squeezed me so tight. 

"I missed you." He whispered. "You don't even realize how much." 

I sobbed into his chest. My mark glowed a faint yellow, this time, not so ominously. 

Relief. Happiness. 

The war was over. 

Everything was done. 

I was happy again. 

(Time skip, after about a week)

"Look..." I gently put my hands into his. Percy looked at me sadly. 

"I...I had fun being with you. And I loved you, with all of my heart." I ignored the fact that my face was heated. "But...But I think it's best if we part ways here. We don't belong with each other." 

Percy nodded, understanding. "I agree."

"But..." I looked into his eyes. They were sad. 

I kissed him quickly on the cheek, and smiled. "I'll still remember you."

"Me too, Lucy." We hugged for the last time. I couldn't help crying. 

Before the ship left, Annabeth came up to me. 

"We're finally going home." She said. "After causing so much trouble."

"Yeah." I smiled. "How are things with Percy?" 

"Same as always. Him being an idiot." 

"Ah. So the usual." 

She laughed. 

"I'm glad I met you." She said. "I hope we meet again, except we're on the same side." 

"Me too, Wise Girl." 

She looked at me, surprised. 

"Percy told you my nickname, didn't he?" 

"Who else?" 

She sighed, and then hugged me. 

"I'm going to miss you." 

"Me too." I hugged her tightly, before she let go. 

"I should go now." 

I waved as she went aboard. Everyone on board waved goodbye, and I waved too. 

Suddenly, I felt ice surround my feet. I gasped, looking down. 

"Thanks, Gray!" I heard Erza's voice. "Now she won't have any excuse!"

I was engulfed in a claustrophobic hug. 

I smiled as the ice melted away. 

"I hope they visit again!" Wendy said. "Nico-San was a very...interesting person!" 

"So was Leo." Natsu said. "His building skills are amazing!" 

"Apparently, the ice god in their world is evil." Gray grumbled. "How sad." 

"Annabeth is a good swordswoman." Erza said. 

I laughed. 

They let me go, and we walked back to the guild. 

"So, Lucy?" 


"You're not dating Percy anymore, right?" Natsu asked, rubbing the back of his head. I smiled. 

"Of course not." I said. "We've decided to part ways." 

We were falling behind, but that was intentionally done. 

"Well then..." Natsu slipped his hand into mine. I blinked. 

"Do you think...well..." Natsu blushed, hiding his face into his scarf. "Oh, you know what I'm about to ask."

I finally let go of the laughter I was trying to hold in. I squeezed his hand. 

"Of course." I said. "It's a yes." 

"Wait. Then does that mean that our love is going to create an egg inside you?" 

I blushed at the question. 

"Um...Natsu, lets not go there yet." I said, laughing nervously. "I'm not ready..."

"Ready for what?" Gray said, turning around. He saw us holding hands, and gasped. 

"Erza! Wendy!" They turned around, and saw us holding hands. 

"Eek!" Wendy shrieked. 

"I-I'm becoming an aunt?" 

"Erza!" I said, blushing. They laughed, and we entered the guild. 

"Let's party!" Master announced. 

Fairy Tail was back again. 

My home has returned. 

This is such a disappointment's not how I wanted it to turn out...

But anyways! Thanks for reading, and make sure to check out my other stories! 

Lots o' love,

Jay Quellen, your fav author❤️❤️

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