Chapter 6

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{Percy POV}

"And then—"

"Percy!" I stopped. Chiron was looking at me. 

"You're telling me, that some blonde girl materialized a cross out of nowhere using a key, an old man grew his fist massively, someone has the same fire powers as Leo, and a girl's body is made out of water?"

"Yes! They called themselves wizards of a guild." 

"A guild."




"And they're not demigods?"

"Nope! They don't even know who the gods are! Well, they know who Hercules is, but I mean, who doesn't..." 

"This is very...sudden." He said, tapping the armrests of his fake wheelchair. 

"I know. One guy even radiated electricity. Like Jason!"

"Are you sure they're not children of other gods? Like Norse, or something?"

"No. They called themselves wizards. They learned magic." 

"How do you learn magic?"

"Beats me." 

He tapped his chin. "Don't tell this to anyone from the camp, Percy. We don't need to worry the others for nothing. Let's just hope nothing happens, okay?"

"What's going to happen from meeting a group of wizards?" He stayed silent. Realization dawned on me. 

"Rachel announced a prophecy, didn't she?" I asked. He looked up. 

"It could mean something completely different, Percy. Remember, prophecies have double meanings." 

"What's the prophecy?" 

He stayed silent. 

"Alright then." I stood up. "And don't worry, I won't tell a soul." 

I left and got ready for bed. 

{Chiron POV}

"I mustn't let the kids meet with the wizards..."


"So, Chiron—" Suddenly, Rachel stopped. Chiron felt the familiar feeling fill the room. 

"10 demigods will travel across sea. Children of power, they will meet. Magics clash and rage for death, and masses of heroes will breathe last breaths." 

Rachel fell, and Chiron caught her. 

"Children of power...? Death? Last breath?"

"Huh? What?" Rachel opened her eyes, and looked around. "I spoke again, didn't I?"

"Yes...but this one doesn't settle very easily..." Chiron said. 

Flashback ends(I tried on the prophecy, forgive me)

"I can't let anyone know about the prophecy...should I send word to camp...?"

I decided to do it. 

After writing the address, I addressed it to Rachel. 


Do you remember the prophecy you spoke before we left to Japan? I need you to inform the campers and send word to Camp Jupiter. We might need our most powerful demigods in this.

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