Chapter 19

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{Lucy POV}

Soon, we were back on the harbor of Ishgar. 

"Why didn't he come with us?" Natsu grumbled when we arrived. 

"Aw, relax." I said, patting his head. He crossed his arms and pouted. 

"Your brother is just nervous to stay with you, I guess." I said. "Give him time. He'll come." 

Natsu his his lower face into his scarf. 

"Yeah, Natsu. Lighten up. We might be fighting soon." Gray said. "Actually, don't lighten up about that." 

"The war! Let's go!" 

We ran for a bit, before jogging. 

When we arrived at Fairy Tail, there were so many battles everywhere. 

"What the—"

We went into the guild and gasped. 

"Wendy! You're here!" It was a mess. 

"What...happened?" We asked. 

"A blonde came into the guild with a group, and started to attack." Mira explained. 

"Let's go then!" Natsu said. 

"Wendy, we need you here." Wendy nodded. 

"Fairy Tail!" We cheered, and rushed outside. 

"They're here, Annabeth!" 

They turned to us. 

"Well. Look who decided to show up." She pointed at me. "You!"

I flinched. "What?"

Before she could say anything, Erza lunged with a sword. 

"Did you see—"

"It just appeared—"

"The sword—"

Annabeth caught the sword with a hilt of her dagger. 

"Lucy!" I turned around just in time to see Percy. 


"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop them!" 

"That's ok." 

"Yaahhh!" Natsu lunged at a group of wizards with his fire, but was stopped by something. 

"Yo. Your opponent's me. Fire with fire?"

"You're going down." 

They started to fight, fire against fire. The boy was scrawny, and he constantly built things. 

"That's Leo's specialty. Building things."


"Percy-San!" Percy turned around just in time to get hit by a water attack. 

"Juvia is sorry! But you are an enemy of Fairy Tail. You are Juvia's opponent!" Percy got up and uncapped his sword. 

"I know I can't hurt you, but I have to try." Then he looked apologetically at me. "Sorry, Lucy." 

"Percy, no!" He lunged at Juvia. 

"Good for me, you're made out of water. That means I can control you." Percy swished his hand, but nothing happened. 

"Juvia controls whether her body is water or not." Juvia said. They started to dual. 

"Dude! This guy uses lightning!" Jason said. "He's mine!" 

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