Chapter 21

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{Lucy POV}

I was resting in the guild building, when all of a sudden, a conch horn was blowing outside. 

"What's happening?" I asked, getting up. My mark glowed orange. 

"Someone new arrived." Mira said, looking outside. "Reinforcements?" 

"They called reinforcements?" I asked, walking outside. My magic was almost ready, but I still needed time. 

Something that no one was willing to give. 

"They're...dressed in silver clothing. But..." Mira's face turned pale. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"There's...a lot." She said. "Like, a lot a lot." 

I looked outside. 


There were at least 20 or 30 people outside.

I gasped, recognizing the clothing. 

"Hunters!" I said, and Mira looked at me. 

"You know them?"

"Percy told me about them...they're really talented fighters..." 

"I'll deal with them." Mira said. I sweat dropped(I've always wanted to use that phrase😆).

"Let me come with you." I said, and she nodded. 

We ran outside. 

Unconscious demigods and wizards alike were on the floor. I didn't wait to see whether they were alive. 

"Percy!" One of the yelled out. She seemed to be the leader. 

"Thalia! What are you doing here?" Percy asked. He was still battling Juvia. 

"Thought you needed a hand, and it looks like you do." She turned to her troops. "Hunters! Spread out!" 

They went in all directions, and a small group stayed with her. 

"Who are you?" Mira asked. The girl turned to us. 

"Ah. Enemies?" 

"Not exactly. But your camp is fighting us." 

"Then you guys are enemies." She said, and took out a curved piece of wood. 

"Open, gate of the archer, Sagittarius!"

"Hello today, Mushi Mushi!" Sagittarius said. They took a step back. 

"What kind of animal is that?" 

"A spirit!" I said. They aimed their arrows. 

"No one can beat Artemis in archery!" Thalia announced. "Not even me." 

"Well then, it's about time I proved you wrong. Sagittarius!" 

"Yes, Mushi Mushi!" He aimed his bow and they both released. The arrows hit together and exploded. 

"Satan Soul." Mira transformed. 

"Percy! Couldn't you have given us a little heads up on what kind of magic this is?" 

"This war was not intentional, Grace!" He blocked an attack with his sword. 

"Demon Blast!" A strong wave of magic energy was released, and a pillar of dark light was sent towards the Hunters. 

They dodged it, and some came after me, though some weren't so lucky. 

"Star Shot!" I chanted, and shot my arrows. They dodged and some hit with their own arrows. 

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