Chapter 17

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{Annabeth POV}

I fell to the floor. 

"Wow...Annabeth." Piper said. "Um...don't know what to say about that..."

His filled with hate. I would never forget it. 

"I'm...fine...I think." I said, getting up. 

Then I glared at the door. I thought about how Percy acted towards me after the dart. They took Percy from me. My Seaweed Brain. He changed because of them. 

"If a war is what you want..." I took my dagger out. "Then a war is what you'll get."

{Natsu POV}


{Lucy POV}

"I thought...Ultear was dead?" 

"Oh, no. She can appear in time-distorted worlds, I'm guessing." I said to Gray. "Her magic is Arc of Time, remember?" 

"Right." He looked out to the sea. "Both mother and daughter..."

I looked out to the sea too. The boat was going a lot quicker than I thought. 

"Mother and daughter?" I asked. He sighed. 

"Ur encases Deliora to save me, and then Ultear uses some form of time magic to save me." He said, and clenched his fists. 

"I technically killed a family." He said, and covered his eyes. 

"Hey, it isn't like you to cry." I said, and patted his back. 

"I just wish there was a way to save them..." He said. I smiled sympathetically. 

"You know better than that." I said. 

He looked at me gratefully. "Thanks." 

"Urrggghhh..." Natsu said. I laughed and walked over to the two dragon slayers. 

"He won't stop groaning, Lucy!" Happy reported. I sighed. 

"What are we going to do with you?" I asked the two. 

"Land..." Wendy said. I patted her head. 

"Lucy!" Erza called. I ran to her. 


"We're almost there. 5 minutes, I'm going to assume."

"Wow. That was fast." I said. 

Thanks, Ultear.

In 5 minutes, we were at the harbor. 


"I'm alive!" 

"Oh, quit it." Erza said. Wendy took a big breath of air. 

"Even the air is different here!" She commented. 

"You guys, we don't have any time. We should head to the capital. I'm going to assume the palace is there." 

"Yeah, lets go." 

From the harbor, we rode a train to the capital. 

"Land!" Natsu exclaimed, widening his arms at the sight of the palace. 

"Remember, Zeref isn't king anymore." Erza said. "Ajeel is. Try not to beat him up..."

She glared at Natsu. "Ok?" 

"Hey, why me?" 

"Because you have the smallest brain out of all of us." Gray commented. I nudged his arm. 

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