Chapter 8

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{Lucy POV}

I waited patiently outside. It was dark, and the only thing I was able to see was the small glint of my keys. 

I accepted his request. 

Here I was, waiting for a boy I just met. 

"Is this a date...?" I wondered. Then I shook my head. "No..."

"Lucy?" I turned to my left, and saw Percy. 

"Oh, hello." We started to walk. 

"So...why'd you want to meet?" 

"I just wanted to be alone with you, without the pink-haired boy." I laughed quietly. 

"Yeah, he can get a little...clingy sometimes." I said. "He really cares for his friends."

"I can tell."

We talked for a while about ourselves. 

"Oh...well, my parents both died a few years back..." I said, rubbing the back of my head. 

"Oh...I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry though. As long as they're still in my memories." I said, putting a hand to my chest. "And in here." 

He smiled. "My mom is mortal—um, human. My dad's a god." 

"I heard. So you're half-god, huh?" I asked. He sighed. 

"Yep. For that purpose alone, the god of the dead was once after me, the lord of the sky hates me, and monsters pop out here and there, trying to kill me."

I laughed. "I get you. Whenever we make an enemy of some sort, they're always out to torture and kill us."

He looked at me. "We have different enemies, huh?"


"Tell me about yours." 

I thought about it. 

"Well, this happened not long after I joined the guild. This guild called Phantom Lord was payed to return me home."

"Return you?"

"Yeah. I ran away from home, and my dad, who was a rich billionaire at the time, payed them to return me home." I recalled being beaten up by Gajeel. "Wow, that feels like a million years ago..."

"So? Did they like, use swords and armor and stuff? Were they animals?" 

"Of course not! They were regular, human wizards." I said. "So you see..."

I explained how Gajeel and Juvia were in that guild. 

"Juvia? The water girl?" 

"Yeah! You've met her?"

"Yeah. The day I found your guild, the old man introduced us."

"Ah, I see." 

We went on, talking about each other. 

"A hellhound?"

"Yep. You ever heard of one?"

"No...but I did read somewhere that it was a beast of the shadows..."

"Yeah, you got the basic idea. I have one as a pet."

"A pet? How do you have a beast as a pet?"

"Oh, Mrs. O' Leary isn't a beast at all. She's a good girl."



"You name a hellhound Mrs. O' Leary?" 

"Oh well, she wasn't exactly my pet from the start..."

(After Explanation)


"Yep. That's how she got entrusted to me." 

"So this guy...Daedalus, was it?"


"He...made a body out of"

(Ok tbh, I didn't read the Battle of the Labyrinth in a while, so correct me if I make mistakes.)

"And he made a living labyrinth."


"And you met a three bodied person."


"And you met a creature from loooong time ago." 

"Check. Briares, the Hundred-Handed One." 

"And you fought two vampires with funky-looking legs."

"Actually, they're called empousi."

"Right. And this happened when?"

"When I was a freshmen, so 14? 15?"

"Wow..." I looked up at the moon. 

"And there's a whole camp filled with kids like you?"

"A whole bunch."

"And...your magic is what?"

"Well, it isn't magic, but I have control over some parts of water."

He got a rock and scratched himself on the hand. Blood oozed out. 

"H-Hey! What are you doing?" I asked. He laughed. 

"Don't worry, just watch." He kneeled down and put his hand in the water. When he withdrew after a few seconds, the wound was completely gone. Like, there wasn't even a scar. 


"Yep. I can also control large bodies of water with a single thought, jump from high places and into water and survive, talk to horses and underwater creatures, control whether I can get wet or dry in water, breathe underwater, and et cetera."

Then he stood up and dusted his knees. "And yes, I say all that from experience." 

"Is your body made out of water too?" I asked, touching his arm. 

"Nope. Thanks so much, DAD." He said, looking up. I giggled. 

"Be thankful that you have such power. I'm not as strong as you." I said, looking down into my reflection. Percy looked at me. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, I don't do caster magic." 

"Which means...?"

"I use holder-type magic. I use objects to cast my magic. Like my keys." 

"Ah. And caster magic is...?"

"You can cast spells and attack without using objects. Like Natsu's fire, or Juvia's water." 

" does that make you weak?"

"If I lose my keys, I'm hopeless." I said, sighing. "Without my keys, I can't do anything with my magic." 

"Oh." Percy looked down at his hands. "Have you ever tried other types of magic?"

"Learning magic is hard, Water Boy." I teased. 

"Oh, not you too..."


"Well, my friend Leo calls me Water Boy." 

"Leo...Ah. Your friend." 


We stayed silent. 

"I think I should go now." I said, standing up. As I was about to leave, his warm hand engulfed my wrist. 

I looked up, my eyes meeting his sea-green ones. 

"Tomorrow. Same time, same place?"

I smiled. "You bet." 

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