⚾ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖'𝕤 - ℍ𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕜𝕦𝕣𝕝𝕖𝕠𝕟🔮

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Requested by brianatheweeb

Spoilers for 1st trial

Non-despair au

Warnings: violence?


-leon's POV-

"You did it, why'd you kill her? Leon tell me!"

The room spun around, tables of my friends staring into my soul, judging me blaming me.

"That's stupid! Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!" I slammed my fists on the trial table, an evil near chuckling heard as I suddenly felt a shiny silver chain wrapped around my neck, cutting off some of my oxygen.

"Welllllllll! You know what time it is? IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

Punishment? What did I do? Why do my friends hate me?

I stared off and saw Hiro, staring at me with hate in those brown eyes that I love.

"I thought you knew better, Leon. Your such a disappointment. I'm glad you're gonna die. It's what you deserve for killing poor sayaka."

My heart shattered.

It hurts. It hurts so damm bad that my own boyfriend Hates me for something I didn't even know I did.

"N-NO Hiro wait!-"

I was dragged off into this long, alluming hallway. My eyesight dying out and all I felt next was pain.

Pain shooting in all parts of my body

I tried to scream



My body jolted awake.

Sweat running down my pale body as I frantically feel around the sheets until I felt my boyfriend's hand, I put it up to my face and nuzzled into it as a source of comfort.

It was just a dream

I knew my nightmares could get bad, but not this bad.

I continued to snuggle myself into hiro's hand, tears gently falling down my face. I felt so weak . I shouldn't be crying. Especially if it's not real.

"I-Im sorry..." I chocked back a sob, but stiffened once I felt the bed next to me shift, and eventually had my boyfriend's arms around my waste and his head on my shoulder.

What if he's mad at me?

"Mmmmm...babe? Watchya doin up so late at night, hm?" I felt his arm slowly move up to my face, wiping the tears that still strayed upon my face. "Bad dream again?"

I slowly nodded, the scene still sickingly repeating in my head.

The pain

The words

I'm trying so hard not to break, I wanna just tell him in fine. To just shake it off, but I just can't this time.

Make it stop.

I crumpled into myself , shaking hiro's arms off of me, which clearly shocked him. I've never rejected his affections before. Not that I deserved it.

"D-did I do something wrong? Leon?" The brunette then shifted himself so that he's facing me, his hands now over mine, which where over my face to cover up how sad I felt.

Before I could get up off the bed to go get some water, I felt the bed shift yet again and hiro dragged me down to his chest, kissing my ear as he whispered in it.

"You didn't do anything wrong, sweetie. I don't know what you dreamed about, but I've got you. I'm so proud of you for getting this far... It's gonna be okay"

Never have I heard such sincerity in hiros's voice.

We've always goofed around each other and joked and..

I felt so safe.

Maybe I can let him help me

I don't wanna be alone.

I finally let the walls that held me back down, and cried tears of stress and love into hiro's strong chest.

"I-Im so sorry..." I felt his head being laid stop mine, and a hand snake around my waist, rubbing my sweaty back up and down to calm my nerves.

"Don't you apologise, balls man, you got nothin to apologize for." He pressed his lips against my sweaty forehead.

I laughed at his attempt at humor and leaned up so I could kiss him on the lips.

"You have no idea how much that means to me."

I felt his smile against my hot lips, before we separated and he yeeted me back down onto the bed, cuddling me into his broad chest.

"Now go to bed, you dork before I take away your kiss privellges"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Your right I wouldn't, but go to sleep, you need it."

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