🔧🐹𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕕𝕒𝕞- 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕖🐹🔧

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Ah I didn't quite understand the song you recommended for the song fic so I just made it a Mastermind Au as you said- I'm really sorry if it's not what you were hoping for ;-;

Mastermind Soudam Au

Spoilers for SDR2 up to Chapter 6

Warnings: Blood play, murder, Sad ending


3rd person POV (I've never done 3rd POV so let's see how this goes 👁️👄👁️)

Oh how the end came to be.

The room was silent. Nothing but the quick and unsteady glances of the Five classmates remaining around the messed up trial room. The room was thick with tension and worry but no one seemed to want to speak.

But, after a few more minutes of an  awkward atmosphere, hajime spoke up

"So...this is the end huh..." The reserve course student frowned, looking at the oddly shaped  throne at the end of the stones where Monokuma usually sat...but this time he wasn't there.

Sonia seemed to work up at the absence of the build a bear reject, staying oddly quite this whole time.

Fuyuhiko sighed, gripping his forehead while gritting his teeth, clearly annoyed. "oh c'mon! Whoever the hell wanted us here just show up already! WE WANT THIS BULLLSHEET OVER WITH!"

"Yeah what baby gangsta said!"




The Yakuza stopped the argument from continuing at the sudden outburst of soft giggles that came from the mechanic. Kazuichi was facing downwards, his eyes hidden by his bubblegum hair. He started to laugh louder now, more obnoxious now.

"K-kazuichi! What is the matter with you? Please snap o-"

"As if I care about what you have to say."

The princess took a step back. How could Souda say such a thing to somehow she though he loved? The one he literally fought over with gundha-

"My my Princess...you ought to know your place...It's time." kazuichi than leaned away, his face showing something between pleasure and happiness.

It was..a scary scene to say the least.

"Uh Souda, please don't tell me your gonna go all Komaeda on me here and have a Despairgasm-"

"Silence eyeless fool"

Hah, Oh shi-

As If it were magic, The Gundham Tanaka rose from the throne, his smile wicked as ever. Except he looked completely different. His hair was down instead of gelee up like it's normal clothing hanger stance. His clothing was rather baggy and a white and black fur coat was added to it. He also had a red paw on his face.

"Nihihihi....Oh Gundy...It was so painful trying to put up this act just for you.." The Imposter than ripped off his neon green jumpsuit, a white and black one underneath as he strutted his way up to Gundham Tanaka.

"Gundham...you...But..wait didn't you die?" Akane tilted her head, as if The issue at hand wasn't that they both clearly had a plan, but it wasn't a good one.

"Alane this Isn't the god damn time to be doing this-" Fuyuhiko walked up to the both of them, hajime attempting to back him off before he grabbed Gundham by the shirt.

Well that wasn't a wise choice.



Gundham than smashed Fuyuhiko's skull into the ground, stomping on it until all you could see on the floor was blood. So much blood.

"F-fuyuhiko!" The other four cried, watching as Fuyuhiko distingrated into thin air.

Ayo I don't think that's how death works-

"Do you four see now...this isn't some ordinary life shît. No, this is all a silly little game...a game..ahahah....A GAME" Gundham grabbed kazuihci by the waist, pulling kazuichi in for another loving kiss. Even though they literally just murdered Fuyuhiko.

It was hajime's turn to be confused, he stared at the two for a moment before kazuichi got angry at the staring.

The bubblegum haired bîsh charged at the ahoge twink,  slowly but surely begining to slice down hajime's neck, making sure to go extra slow so he can watch the tears or pain and suffering roll down the tan ones cheek in amusement. "Y-you don't know how long I've been waiting for this gundy~" the other four protested, reaching out for Hajime before his body began to disintigrate. Kazuichi spread the remaining pink blood on the floor onto his touch before slowly kissing the Fellow mastermind.

Gundham took out his handy dandy glock and shot Sonia and Akane in the head, watching as they slowly fell to the floor, leaving no one but each other in the empty room.

"Look at all the wonderful chaos we caused...so delicious..."

Gundham than grabbed the prettiest knife he owned, kazuichi doing the same before they both embraced each other around the disintigrating dead bodies around them.

"I love you so much...more then despair..." The breeder than pulled kazuichi close, both of them stabbing each other mid-kiss. Blood pooling in each other's mouths as they transfered each other's pink blood into their mouths. They collapsed onto the ground, wondering if they completed what they needed to do for the sake of Junko Enoshima. 

Or...if they will ever wake up from this simulator...

".....love you too Gundham..."

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