🍀𝕀𝕤𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕- ℕ𝕒𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕚💰

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Ah yes I had this idea myself- also I forgot to say requests are back open!

Angsty angsty lost of A N G S T

Spoilers for a lot of THH

If it where different Au

Warnings: A lot of angst, Depressing thoughts


-Makoto's POV-

"Did..you...really kill her...?"

I stared in disbelief at the man in front of me, the trial was on-going and the evidence was begining to slowly peice together. But that didn't make me wanna believe it.


Sayaka Maizono .

Killed by Leon kuwata.

Junko Enoshima.

Killed by Monokuma.

Chihiro Fujisaki.

Killed by Mondo Owada.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru.

Hifumi Yamada.

Killed by Celestia Ludenburg.

Aoi Asahina...

Killed by Byakuya Togami.

This...this shouldn't add up. This all shouldn't have happend. Maybe if I worked myself harder, made everyone would of had hope at the very start of this mess...everything would have been fine.

But no, my clueless self couldn't save everyone. I couldn't even save Aoi, or any of the others.

Byakuya is going to meet his fate soon as well, it feels like everything flew by to fast.

"Well, Naegi. You tell me. What does it look like? All the evidence leads up to me. So I suppose you should know by now what the answer is..." The heir didn't even look scared. He stood, tall and pretty. The lights shining upon him like this is some college graduation.

Except....it's his demise.

"M-master! No! I refuse to believe my mast!-"

"Toko Fukawa. Please, shut the F*ck up before these are my last words" his voice made my heart race. I've never felt this much despair in a trial before. So much hopeless ends, it's like I'm loosing something that I was just starting to warm up to...


"Heya byakuya!"

The giraffe for legs man turned around, a little grin on his face appeared for seconds, before being pulled into a frown.

"What is it that you want, Naegi?"

Heh...still on last name bases huh? Hopefully I could change that...

"I know you don't like us...but I wanted to maybe hang out with you? Mostly so Toko would um..leave you alone and I could distract her so you can read in peace?" The offer hanged in the air for a little bit, before a deep sigh was heard and the ultimate turned and walked towards me, grabbed my hand and pulling me away.


"Tch, your the one who asked to come along you ignorant fool. Now c'mon before anyone sees us" that brought a smile to my face, as he led me into the library he usually studies at.

This...maybe I'll be able to escape with him. Him and Kyoko...

"Hey Byakuya?"

"Hm? What is it plebian..."

"Promise me you'll get out safe with me...?"

A slight pause.

"I planned on doing so in the first place. We are killing that damn bear no matter what it takes"

He said....we.


~Flashback end~

"Byakuya..." The memories of only a few nights prior flooded into my head. He promised, but he couldn't keep it...

Monocuma was basically breakdancing in his seat out of excitement, but Byakuya chooses to move from his spot on the trial tables, moving his way over to where I stood.

Everyone stared at us like we were something abnormal, something no one's ever seen before.

"Naegi, I may not have been able to keep my promise. But mind this, Don't you dare give up you stupid fool. Just because I'm gone doesn't mean your hope has to be. Here" the blonde took off one of the top buttons of his shirt, handing it to me in my hands.

"I know I'm probably not some important figure to you but...take this for some type of rememberance of me. Move on, Makoto" Before he could be pulled back into despair, I grabbed onto him, sobbing into his back shirt. I didn't want him to leave....not like this..not this soon.

Please...give me some time please!-



He was then taken from my grasp at the speed of light, taken by the evil bear into the depths of the execution.

It hurt to watch the heir being thrown into the never ending pits of a dark, dirty, cave. Various Monokuma's came in, throwing rocks and other sharp objects onto the heir. His expression only showed pain...pain and regret. His glasses broke, and where thrown out of the execution. I took them and held them in my hands.

He... can't even see what's going on to him anymore..

After more time of him being beaten up, they threw him out and into a icy disaster, the temperature for sure not being any more then -50 degrees.

I watched him rot, I watched his face slowly loose it's glow and the pale on his face growing across his whole body.

I looked into his eyes one more time...before they were closed.

Byakuya Togami...was dead.

The curtains closed as if it were some great performance, the lights turned off and Monokuma's snickering was all that could be heard other then the sound of my knees falling to the floor.

At this point, I was historically crying on the floor, my tears not catching up to my words that I desperately wanted to speak.

I felt a st steady hand on my back, a comforting gesture, and looked to see Kirigiri staring down at me, a warm smile on her face.

He was right...

I do have to move on..

For the sake of hope and humanity..

-That night-

I stood at the mirror in my bathroom. I couldn't sleep and I didn't even want to at this point.

The image of Byakuya's cold body was ingrained into my memory forever. I didn't even get to ask why he did it..

In my hands laid the partially broken glasses, I put them up to my face and stared in the mirror. Even if I couldn't see with them on, a small smile and a few watery tears appeared on my face.

"Byakuya...Don't you worry... I'll get the rest of us out of here...But for now..

I'll carry on."

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