⚾𝕐𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕠𝕟-𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘🔮

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Requested by brianatheweeb

Fluffy fluff fluFff

Non-Despair Au

Warnings: nOne

Songfic: Sweater weather(song above)

(Did I choose this song because I'm a raging bisexual? PossiblY-)

Sorry this is kinda late I was bleaching my hair and forgot to publish this djdjdj


-Leon's POV-

S I g h

At the moment, I was sitting at the lunch table during free time. I've been trying to figure out a song I could sing for The talent show. Yes hopes Peak has a talent show now because they want us to show off our talents.

They're probably not expecting the Ultimate baseball player to be singing a song- but who cares? It's something I'm passionate about and if they get mad then they can suck my d-

"Yo Leeeooon!"

I turned my head to the left to see my best friend, Hiro.

Yeah...bEst friend.

Man, I'm starting to talk like Mondo and Taka before they started dating.

"Aye aye Hiro! What's up my dude?" A smirk crawled on to my face as he sat down next to me, staring at my notes that I've taken on different songs I might sing "whats that bro?"

I let a small blush form on my face as he put his head over my shoulder to see what I wrote on the peice of paper.

"U-um well...I'm planning on singing for the talent show because I don't think people would wanna see me throwing balls for a few minutes- aren't you doing the talent show to?" The clairvoyant tilted his head in confusion, putting his hand on his chin as if he was thinking really hard.

"There's a talent show?" I almost face palmed- how did he not know about it? It's literally being talked about all around the school. A lot of people are getting hyped about Sayaka though. I don't blame them, shes kinda cute-

Wrong oneshot Leon, wrong oneshot.

"Dude, how do you NOT know about it? Literally everyone is talking about it- even hifumi is rolling around screeching about wanting to put his 2d girls on the- actually, I'm not gonna get into that-" The taller ultimate laughed at the thought, patting my head a bit before shrugging.

"Yeah man I'm more distracted by something else..." He averted his eyes to the ground before bringing them back up and at the paper.

"Oooo! You should sing one of those songs! I'd totally love to hear you sing dude!" In panic, a red blush spread across my cheeks and I averted my gaze, playing with my beard.

"U-um right now...??" I looked back at him, only gaining a smile from him as he expectingly waited for my answer.

"Yeah man! I bet you're amazing at singing!"

"I-I wouldn't say amazing..." The blush intensified as I sighed, giving into Hiro's cutness.

"Okay, I'll sing one of these songs...which one?"

I handed him the peice of paper, awaiting for my emabressment ahead. I mean, it's only me and Hiro here it should be fine...



I snapped out of my gay trance as he shoved the paper back at me with a grin. "What about sweater weather?"

A small smile forms on my lips, the song actually meant a lot to me. So I think I can pull this off..

"Yeah sure...man.." I shuffles in my seat, watching as Hiro gets comfortable, putting his hands onto his chin as he stares into my soul.

Well, here goes nothing..


"And all I am...is a man, I want the world in my hands"

I watched as Hiro's facial expression  turned from silly to shock, I swore I could have seen the faintest blush on his cheeks.

"I hate the beach, but here I stand in California with my toes in the sand"

My voice quickly adjusts and gets used to the melody, as I close my eyes to let myself focus, even if I could still feel Yasuhiro's eyes still on me.

"Use the sleeves of my sweater let's have an adventure..have my head in the clouds but my gravity's centered"

I slowly felt a hand grab onto mine, surprising me, but that didn't make me open my eyes or stop singing.

"Touch my neck...and I'll touch yours. You in those little high waisted shorts oh..."

The hand slowly moved up to my neck, just as the lyrics did. At this point, I felt like I was on cloud 9. Like no one could hear me singing and this was all my imagination..it almost felt like a dream..

"She knows what I'm thinkin' bout, and what I think about. One love, two mouths. One love one house . No shirt no blouse. Just us you found out"

I heard the bell ring for us to get to class but that didn't stop me one bit. It also didn't stop Hiro from getting closer and closer to me as I sing my heart out to him.

"Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about no, cause it's to cold whoa  for you her-"

Soft lips connected with mine, cutting me of from the middle of my mini performance. I desperately kissed back, wrapping my arms around the clairvoyant in front of me.

"F*CK yeah! I knew you liked him!" I groaned hearing the ultimate biker's voice only a little ways from me. I leaned back into Hiro, connecting our lips again as I flipped off mondo in the distance.

"Mondo! Leave the two alone...but we need to head to class soon as well! Mondo were you skipping again?!" I smiled into the kiss, hearing Ishimaru slightly slap mondo in the back of the head.

Well, I'm definitely using this song for the talent show.

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