Seance Session

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✨_~seance session~_✨

_they all sat around the ouija board, the candles flickering in the dimly lit room. They all joined hands and waited anticipation._
_"tonight we request the presence of the ghost that haunts the music club." Milly started._
_"this is stupid." zander complained._
_"shh!" jake hushed._
_"we mean no harm." hailey continued."
_"flicker the candles if you are present." sean added._
_the candles started flickering intensely and the flames growing bigger, illuminating the room._
_"please show yourself." luke finished._
_a strange noise slowly began, it only grew louder and louder._
_they all tried to decipher the source of the sound, only to find no answer to their questions._
_"It sounds like a british person." milly mutters._
_they all look at milly in confusion._
_"please show yourself." luke repeats._
_one by one the candles flicker out leaving them in total darkness. cold air fills the room. two figures appear on the ouija board, one with red hair and the other with long blue hair. the candles flicker back. revealing two slightly translucent figures hovering above the board. the source of noise seems to be coming from the one with long blue hair. upon further inspection the two seem to be wearing wedding dresses._
_"who requests our presence?" the blue haired one started._
_"and did you really have to do it in the middle of our wedding." the red haired one sneered._
_"w-who are you?" zander began._
_"well, i'm rosy!" rosy replied cheerily._
_"i'm rai." rai mumbled still clearly upset about them interrupting their wedding._
_"well, time to go!" rosy added as she grabbed onto rai before disappearing making the candles go out._
_"that was interesting to say the least."_

✨_~seance session~_✨

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