Library Confessions

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Library Confessions

A milliot boarding school oneshot

Milly stood in the library, her outfit was bland and montone, mainly consisting of earthy browns and dull greys. The entire outfit contrasted her flaming red hair that fell messily to her chin, her hair also gave it the appearance of sparks flying out from her head and her eyes were a crimson red that could strike fear into anyone's heart. Although due to her short height, her strength was often underestimated. Milly adjusted her black turtleneck and brown coat that was draped lazily off her shoulders. She didn't have her usual tough, lion like composure. Instead she seemed panicked and distraught.
"Oh dear, I hope he didn't read the letter." Milly sighed as she pressed herself against a wall.
The library door creaked open, followed by soft footsteps.
click clack
"Hello?" The soft voice spoke up.
"Hey." Milly replied as she poked her head out of the bookshelf.
The boy had rounded glasses, he wore an oversized brown sweater along with a white collared shirt, messy pink hair that reminded her of cotton candy. Scratch that, everything about him reminded her of cotton candy, his sweet nature and soft hair.
Elliot, the soft spoken boy who everyone ignores.
"H-hey Milly." Elliot greeted.
Milly waved and motioned for Elliot to come over.
"Need something?" Questioned Elliot.
Milly looked up, her face growing redder than the roses in Elliot's garden.
She sighed before speaking up "I like you!..."
Elliot was clearly taken aback by this, he even took a step back. His face now matched the blush that was scattered across Milly's face.
"U-uh." He stuttered as he buried his face in his hands, the blush still evident on his ears.
"O-oh sorry i'll just leave now." Said Milly sadly as the stars that were in her eyes disappeared.
"N-no uh!" Elliot blurted out as he grabbed Milly's arm, causing them both to lock eye contact.
"I-i feel the same way!" Said Elliot, the blush still very prominent.
"Your eyes that can light up a night or pierce my soul, your bright red hair, the way you fiddle with your fingers when you're stressed, everything about you is perfect and I love you!" Elliot called out to Milly, still gripping onto her hands tightly.
Milly's expression softened as the stars returned to her eyes as she gave Elliot a kiss on the cheek
"We should head back to our dorms, don't want to get in trouble." Milly said with a cheeky grin.
"O-of course." Responded Elliot.
"Have a good night." Milly hummed softly as she walked out of the library.

"God I love this girl."

Library Confessions

A/N - I'll probably do a Sean x Broom or Hailey x Jake oneshot soon, depends on motivation

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