Corpse Waltz (Jake x Luke)

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Corpse Waltz

A Juke oneshot
Luke knocks on the wooden door, the door appearing splinter prone. No reply .Luke knocks again, only to be met with an empty room. He eventually makes his way inside the mysterious home, eyes wandering the house, paint chipping off the walls and each step he takes results in an eerie creak. There, Luke Evergreen stood in an seemingly empty living room, alone with only his thoughts and the soft sound of his chest rising and falling. At least that was what he thought...

Luke Evergreen was a simple man of age 23, often melting into the background, never making a breakthrough, he was white watercolour on a blank canvas, every stroke remaining the same. His true colours only begin to surface when he blends in with more diverse colours, bleeding through vibrant bursts of colour and more wistful shades. Although he was pleased by this fact, it never really bothered him that he lingered in the background. He was fine by that, he didn't exactly enjoy attention that much anyways.

He spots a familiar man laying down on a couch, his body still, not even the sound of low breaths or his chest rising and falling were found.
"Oh, didn't expect to see you here." The man chuckles breathily, his eyelids heavy yet still reluctantly opening.
Luke smiles tenderly, "Nice to see you again."
"Right back at you." Jake replies, his eyes cold and empty.
The low hum of classical music began from an old record player perched on a rotting wooden table.
"Say, why don't we put those dance lessons to use." Chuckles Luke, eyes soft and caring.
Jake grins, "I don't see why not."
Luke took Jake's hand, helping him up, Jake's fingers were cold and frail, seemingly about to snap at any minute but it didn't faze Evergreen.

Then the two began to dance, hands interlocked as they waltzed across the wooden floors, the creaking noise now drowned out by the soothing classical music emitting from the almost picture perfect record player. Jake's hands felt warm, not the cold frail fingers anymore. It felt normal.....
But it wasn't normal.
As the music came to an abrupt stop so did this facade. And thus the lone watercolour had been left to his own demise with a blank and tattered canvas, the bright illusion that had blinded Luke from the harsh reality thinned out resulting in the truth do dawn on the man.

For he had been dancing with the corpse of his long lost lover.
A/N - happy Halloween! ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

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