Coffee Date (Daisy x Sean)

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**So you know Sean had a coffee date in synchronized? Yeah this is it and have this instead of chapter 8. This also adds plot and angst later in the story~**

_~🌱Coffee Date🌱~_

Sean sat in the cozy coffee shop as he inspected the old maps and diagrams that were hung on the walls. The scent from the flowers and coffee mixed together to give a unique and comforting smell. He looked up to see the girl with long white hair that fell softy on her soft features.
"Hello Sean." She greeted him happily.
"Hey Daisy." Sean greeted back.
Daisy took a seat and inspected the cozy shop and it's unique yet comforting smell.
"I already love this place." Daisy muttered.
"Never been here?" Sean asked
"Yep." She responded.
A boy who seemed to be around 16 walked over with a notepad and pen.
"What can I get you?" He questioned.
"I'll have an espresso." Sean replied.
"And i'll have chamomile tea." Daisy added.
"Of course, just a minute." The boy responded before walking away.
"So, how have you been?" Sean wonderered.
"Oh I've been good, I got paired with a girl named Hailey." Daisy mentioned.
"How about you?" Daisy asked.
"I've been doing fine." Sean spoke as he sipped his coffee, taking in the scent of coffee.
Daisy gave Sean a warm smile, her soft blue eyes popping out against the warm colors that covered the entire café. Sean noticed the warm smile on Daisy and he turned slightly red at the sight of the soft smile. He returned the smile to the cute girl,satisfied at their coffee date.

_~🌱Coffee Date🌱~_

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