A song sent through the wind (Jake x Drew)

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A song sent through the wind

A drake oneshot requested by readerxviewerchan


"Hey, do you like fantasy?"

"I guess..."

"Cause I wish this was just a fantasy.

= = = = = = = = =

Drew shifted awkwardly in his seat, eyelids heavy as his breaths became shallow and raspy.
"Hey Drew!" A cheery voice exclaimed, the voice stinging Drew's spirit despite being full of life and bursting with joy.
The voice came from a familiar figure who was running towards him practically beaming.
"Oh, hey Jake." Sighed Drew breathily.
The peach haired boy placed his arms onto Drew's shoulders and inspected his *friend's* solemn expression, "Why so down?"
Drew returned an animated smile, "Nothing much."
"Yeahhhh right! You can tell me the truth! I mean, I am your 'Jakey Boy!' After all!"
"It's really nothing."
Jake pouted slightly, eyeing Drew suspiciously, "Well, I'm not going to pry it out of you, take your time and tell me when you're ready."
"Thanks." Drew grinned weakly.
"Anytime." Beamed Jake.

While the secret that Drew held wasn't exactly as insignificant as he played it out to be.


A few weeks had passed since Jake and Drew's awkward heart to heart, the memory refusing to leave both boy's heads the thoughts making way for new ones to pull at their brains all in a lone hallway.
"Hey Jake." Grumbled Drew.
"Can we talk?"
Jake gripped onto Drew's hand before eventually speaking up in a worried tone, "What's wrong?"
Drew directed his gaze towards a locker, his hands trembling in Jake's grasp, "I'm going to die."
"I'm sorry?" Jake quirked his brows.
"I said i'm going to die."
The coral tipped boy was unamused by this strange ordeal, "Haha real funny."
"I'm serious." He paused, "It's cancer."
"Drew I didn't know you liked these kinds of jokes."
Drew let out a breathy mumble, "I'm not joking."
Seeing his *friend's* wistful expression let a sense of guilt wash over Jake "I- i'm sorry..." Sighed Jake, placing his head in the crook of Drew's neck.
"One month." The pink haired boy peered out the window, "That's all I have."

"Do you have anything you'd like to accomplish before you leave?" Jake questioned, trying to lighten the subject as he lifted his head from the crook of Drew's neck.
"Yes actually." Drew seemed to recall a few thoughts before shuffling through his pocket, It was a crumpled piece of paper filled with shaky writing and darker splotches scattered throughout it.

*-Have a picnic with close friends
-Stargaze at Raisy hill
-Stroll through the rose gardens
-Fall hopelessly in love
-Play the violin for the wind*

The tattered piece of paper earnt a small smile from Jake, "Quite the hopeless romantic huh."
"Yeah yeah like you aren't one as well." Drew huffed.
"So, when are we starting?" Jake asked, handing Drew the piece of paper again.
"Tomorrow, let's go to the rose gardens."
Jake scratched the back of his neck, "All of these are easy to accomplish, except the 'falling hopelessly in love' one."
"I'll manage."


A day had passed and Drew and Jake were walking down the root entangled path of the rose garden. The sky was a pale blue, not a single tuft of cloud in sight, birds chirped their usual songs, people engaging in conversations and the low plops of water coming from the fountain.
"I like roses." Drew noted out of the blue.
"Yeah me too."
Drew stopped in his tracks, letting his gaze fall upon a rose, "I like how roses represent love, in a sense that it's very pretty most of the time but on the other hand." He moved his hand to the thorns, "Sometimes it can hurt."
Jake smirked, "Didn't peg you as the poetic type, what's with the sudden change in heart?"
"Maybe it's being so close to death."

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