"Cradled in your arms" (MillyxHenry)

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"Cradled in your arms"

"Henry it's gorgeous." Milly gasped slightly, her eyes a lit with the ember of from a flame that was ignited with love.
"Told you." Henry scoffed, proud of this small accomplishment.
The two lovers sat upon a hill, a sunset that burnt deep hues of orange and red. It almost mirrored Milly's fiery personality. Milly's pink flamey locks of messy hair fell down to her chin, In fact, it put the sunset to shame. Henry's hair was a deep green that fell back into subtle waves, Milly would always make fun of how his hair resembled grass on the daily but he didn't mind. She wasn't exactly wrong after all.
Milly eventually sat down next to Henry, the soft grass gently pricking her skin, her gaze still attached to the burning sunset.
"Where'd you find this place? It's so secluded and serene." Milly mentioned.
"I'm not really sure." Henry chuckles sheepishly, hesitant to move his hand closer to Milly's.
"Well, it's absolutely lovely." Milly sighed in content at the small gesture of love.
Eventually Henry gave in and intertwined his fingers between Milly's rough hands. Milly seemed slightly shocked by the sudden contact but she didn't mind.
"I love you." Milly hummed tenderly.
"Love you too." Henry replied, stars practically dancing in his eyes.
A soft dreamy silence flooded the hill, only leaving a soft chirping of birds and a low hum of insects. Then it all faded away as Henry gave into a coughing fit.
"Henry?!" Milly called out in concern.
Henry cupped his hands below his mouth, the coughing fit seemingly endless. Few drops of blood dripped down his chin and onto his cupped hands. Henry smiled, the distress very much apparent on his face.
"We need to get you to a hospital!" Milly ordered, her voice trembling.
"No, it's too late for me." Henry grumbles, a pitiful grin tugging at his lips.
"Nonsense!" Huffed Milly in a fit of anger and panic.
"No, the poison has already taken affect, no point in saving a dead person." Henry stifles in a laugh.
Milly frowned as her brows furrowed. Eventually her face softened as tears welled up in her eyes, the ember getting put out.
"Just let me rest for a bit okay?" Henry sighed as he rested himself in Milly's arms, shifting a bit before finding a comfortable position. Milly gave into the tears, like a glass that finally shattered. She started sobbing uncomfortably, still cradling Henry in her arms.
"You idiot!" Milly managed to choke out through vigorous sobs.
"But i'm your idiot." Henry laughs nimbly, a sorrowful expression on his face as he stared up at his lover who once was fiery but this fire was put out, at least for now.

"You know,I'm happy I'm dying this way."

"Cradled in your arms."

Those were the last words Henry spoke before falling lifeless onto Milly, her tears dripping down onto the soft prickly grass.

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