🍋Hinata x Kage'ssister!reader (HQ)

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Warning- virgin sec, dom reader, Kageyama's sister, a strong idc attitude.

Word count- 1890



"Onii-chan, why are you ignoring me." I pouted pulling on the taller males sleeves, he looked down at me with a mean stare.

He snatched his sleeve away, "Because you thought I'd be a good idea to date my enemy." He's talking about Hinata, i asked him out yesterday and he agreed, but Kageyama my brother didn't really like it.

"Oh get over it, we wont bother you, ya big baby." I turned my head away from him, but only for him to smack me in the back of my head, "ow..."

"How am i supposed to get over it... Hinata is a meat head, he'll only hurt you." I punched his shoulder in return, "If he hurts me then it's my fault, don't interfere with us, humfp." He held his hurt shoulder, glaring down at me.

"Your so fucking stubborn it seriously pisses me off... Fine do whatever you want." I smiled and pat his back. "I was gonna do that anyway." I giggled at his annoyed face.

"Go find Hinata and leave me alone."

"Ok see you later." I skipped off and went to find my new boyfriend, i walked past the gym and heard balls hitting the ground.

Peeping inside the gym finding the tangerine, i saw him spiking balls onto the wall, i quietly snuck up behind him.

"I should be studying but that's boring and Tsukki is being mean- Ahh."  Him not knowing im here i jumped onto his back purposely startling him, he quickly grabbed onto my thighs. "Y/n, Jesus you scared me..." I joyfully wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder.

I could peep a bit of his side profile, he had a small blush, i smiled and kissed his cheek. "Y-y/n..." He walked around with me on my back.

"Hinata... schools done can we go to your house please, Kageyama won't care." I lied but i really wanted to go and all we'd do is cuddle, or play games mostly watch tv.

"I mean sure, i recently got this new game and movie, we could do whatever you want and plus i don't thing my family is home so they won't bother us." That was a surprisingly immediate answer.

"Ok, can you carry me, im tired..." He sighed and grabbed his bag, then walked out the gym, i texted Kageyama, he was against it but i didn't care.

*time skip*

"Im hungry." He gently kissed my stomach, "I'll get you something." We where watching the maze runner inside his room, we were chilling.

He's so sweet and way to good for me...

"Here it's f/s, i know its your favourite." He spiked it to me and i barely caught it, "Hey hey hey, this is not volleyball!" I pointed at him, he laughed and sat beside me.

"It's just second nature." Hinata shrugged and looked back at the tv, me loving being showered with affection, i plopped down in between his lap, but sitting on him a little.

I felt his breathe shudder from behind me, i eat my snack and focus on the screen. "H-hey Y-y/n your touching my umm." I felt him squirm, he grabbed my hips and moved me, i didn't know what he was talking about.

"What's wrong, am i to heavy." I turned around to be met with an mad blush, he shook his head. "N-no your fine, it's fine l-lets just watched the movie." He rested his head on my shoulder focused onto the movie.

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