🙈Sora x Otaku!reader (NGNL)

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No game, no life

I didn't edit this chapter so if its shitty sorry

Warning- theft, orgasm denial, high lvl smut, master kink, spanking.

Word count- 2042


"You guys are such pervs i can't stand you." I shouted at the siblings they had spied on me while i was taking a shower, "I am not!" I could only shake my head at Sora.

I can't stay mad at his cute pouty face, im so disappointed in my self.

I turned down my music (anime openings) which i was listening to inside the shower, "Such a weeb." I heard Steph walk into the room. "Im an otaku!" I pointed at her while shouting.

"Whatever." She left and i rolled my eyes. "We're sorry Y/n please don't delete the video, it's sacred to our collection," Shiro spoke in a soft tone, but my eyes went wide. "Collection of what?! Nudes, you both are disgusting." But sora put up finger, and started chuckling menacingly."

"Ahhh haha but our collection isn't as big as your collection of hmm... Hentai and ecchi manga you really like those, it'd be a shame if the whole castle knew." He literally called me out, my mouth went a agape, "You went threw my stuff and read it, i told you brats not to." Sora got off the ground that i pushed him on.

"Sorry Y/n, by the way your very pervy, i got intrigued and read a couple on your phone to," He admitted ruffling my hair while smiling. He went threw my phone two!

"You brat stupid, dummies i can't stand you how many times have i told you stay out of my phone, manga, and anime collection, ughh." I started to punch his gut making him hurl over.

"Now now Y/n is that anyway to talk to your kings." Shiro spoke up in a prestigious voice. "I hate you both." I mumbled to myself walking out the bathroom into my room.

I plopped down onto my bed, ofc that's a lie, i love those two, it just gets annoying.

I search for my *cough* semi *cough* explicit manga to hide it but only to realize it's gone, goddammit Sora.

With murder on my mind i stomp over to the place Sora and Shiro live, i kicked down the door with my eyes menacing. "Its one thing to snoop through my shit but it's another to steal it, give it before i smack you into oblivion." I jumped on they're bed in front of Sora, he gulped.

"How about a little game." My eyes widened. "What game is it." I grabbed his shoulders with confidence. "Black Jack, are you sure you wanna play because you know better then anyone..." Sora stopped for a dramatic pause. "That blank never loses." The siblings both said.

I do know better, i was sent into this world with them im only here because of them, I've played them and watched them play, they've never lost...

"Let's play, if i win you give me my shit back you pieces of shit, if you win I'll do whatever you want." The worst decision.

[Time skip]

"Y/n, Shiro wants to watch F/a (favorite anime)" I slowly walked into the two's room, holding up the CD of the series, i had on dog ears with a mini skirt that barely went over my butt, and my bra was super tight also the fucking furry tail.

"Here's my newest CD of f/a, the one I've had to gamble to get ahah ... Your welcome Shiro." I put on a fake smile pulling down my skirt while handing them the disk. "Thank you Y/n we love you." Shiro said in her usual monotone voice.

"Love you guys two..." Walking out the room while pulling down my skirt.

What's with those two i can't stand them...

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