Chapter 1

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Rolling out of bed I shuffle to the bathroom to take a shower. I take off my clothes and hop into the hot shower letting the water run off my hair down my body. Grabbing my strawberry shampoo putting a small amount on my hand before scrubbing it into my scalp, rinsing out the shampoo before conditioning. I hop out wrapping my teal bath towel around me looking in the mirror at the beautiful face painting I got from the mall yesterday that still didn't come off. Walking out of my bathroom into my room drying off as I'm walking to my closet grabbing some old clothes tossing them onto my bed.

I finish putting on my clothes before heading down stairs for breakfast. As I get down stairs grabbing an apple for breakfast I notice my older brother Devin coming down stairs carrying our little sister Carrie.
Carrie and Devin yelling "Happy Birthday Zoe!!" As they arrive in the kitchen. I look at them confused at first before remembering it's Monday.

My dad walks into the kitchen from the backyard and kisses me on the forehead "Zoe we told you last night you would not be going to school today" I look at my dad with my mouth gaping "But dad!!" He just looks at me. "Your not going to school until you have changed, Your brother made the choice of going to school on his birthday and destroyed part of the classroom and we had to pay the damages and will not be going through that with you. So you can go ahead and stop trying to argue while you're ahead young lady."

I walk into the living room frowning groaning as I sit down on the couch when a sharp pain shoots up through my back causing me to jerk forward. My mom notices my sudden movement and looks over at me concerned. I just sit back not thinking anything of it and then the pain spreads to all over my body making me groan in pain squeezing part of the couch. My mom gets up out of her chair trying to help me up calling my dad to help her get me outside.

They get me outside before I slip from there grip from jerking at the pains shooting all through out my body causing me to groan and tears slide down my cheeks. I lay on the ground in pain as it intensifies hearing my bones cracking and screaming at my body jerks. Within a few moments I'm looking up at my parents and the pain is gone. I look at the surprised look on my parents face as  I notice my brother and sister in the kitchen window and my brothers gaping mouth.

Confused I look down noticing white paws slightly jumping back slightly at the sight.  I couldn't believe that I was a white wolf, especially because it's so rare and there is no trace of it in my family line. Looking up at my parents with one last before taking off running into the woods. Stopping when I reach my hiding spot, it was a cliff looking over a lake with a waterfall to my right, I loved this spot because it was so peaceful and no one could bother me here.

I had done laid my head down on paws when I heard a voice. "It's a beautiful view." I jump up looking around and growling. "oh settle your self down. It's just me Casey. I'm just your wolf." I settle down as she suggested and go back to looking out over the cliff.
It starts to get dark so, I decided to go ahead and head home. When I returned home emerging from the woods my mom was out side with a towel smiling as she speaks "I hope you enjoyed your run. The first is usually the greatest."

I change back my mom handing me the towel, wrapping the towel around me. I run upstairs to rinse off all the sweat and forest smell before I go to bed. I get in rinsing off standing in the steaming hot water to relax my sore body from changing. I turn off the water grabbing my towel as I step out, drying off walking into my room. I go close my door finding a shirt putting it on throwing the towel back in the bathroom before crawling in to my bed pulling the cover over my head dozing off to sleep.

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