chapter 1: our story about critor and sinda elfs

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oh hi there i'm faundalyn lohrien and that girl over there is my little sister thanidil...
we live in critor... that borders between in the forest Deryth and Felarathael ... our land is very big again ... after a war... the forest of deryth and felaratheal we revise that we are the queens of critor and the fire and dragons...
i said  that our land big again after a war ?
well let me tell you that ...
let me tell you my story...
well we are the daughters of celeborn and Aubaudameira ...
yeah you shocked now because he is not always with galadriel....but before he met our mom Aubaudameira  .... there married after 5 years she was a strongest sinda elf she was the queen of martearlitera  he know what that is...the strongest elves ...dragons and fire...he know about that....all the time... after thanidil ...our mom fight in critor against orcs.... but she died... our father ...he passed us along with the remaining elves of our mother's people to another land critor... there we grown up....our father visit us always ...after two years he found a new love her name was galadriel... after that he married her 2 years later... they were very happy....and now to... they get a child celebrain she is 2 years younger than thanidil and four years founalin that is me...
that is the basic story about me and my sister ....
the rest i will tell you  but not alone...
that boy overthere...
that is my boyfriend legolas ...i'm his lady and the princes of the mirkwoods...
but let me and legolas tell the whole story about that....
do you wanna heard that?
bebe? they wanna heard i told you that from the beginning no?
oh yeahh i was forgotten sorry bebe...
but it is very dangerous way... and a evil way... but wanna heard it...
well...let us tell you then...
common sit down... next to us ...
we will tell you with a book of us story we write year ago...
let us tell you with us book that will be easier to understand...
or waite....
you can read the book next to you ... that will be more dangerous....
so here is our book...
succes with read it...
--------------------------------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUE...

i hope you like it...
this for my obsession with legolas and lord of the rings...
i think everyone is that i mean... who can't have a obsession with legolas the elf..and lord of the rings..legolas his blue eyes.. his blond long hair..his body... yeah ... it is a beautiful fanfic...
follow me to know more off this stuff!:)

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