chapter 28: the queen and king of ithilien and gondor

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aragorn said maybe there is still hope and took his shoulder and haldir said yes that is and took his shoulder ... legolas said ez dago han sentitzen dut (she is no longer there i feel it) haldir said badakizu zuregatik gaudela legolas (know that we are there for you legolas)

he took their hands and said Gen Hannon (thank you). then aragorn said legolas and he looked and stood up again because he felt the voice of legolas that it was terrifying and important and said i want you to make an elven colony in gondor in ithilien better say you want to do that and legolas said yes i want ... well legolas then I have good new the crown is the same day and all elves are already on the heights mirkwood, rivendell and lothlorien .... I knew you were going to say yes so ... and who do you take if you right hand asked aragorn well i take tannil and tauriel and you gimli my friend and looked a him join in traveling from the mountains or ithilien and also you aragorn and he laughed and said absolutely i want to be take care of you two and aragorn i said too ...

then he looked up and said you're all right up there and said oh well were you here now how do I do this and then daydreamed I stood faunalyn in front of me and settled down and said Si Pelians i vâd na dail lîn. Si boe u-dhannathach.

(It is already in front of you. You can not hesitate now) she laughed and took her chain and said again ... Ae ú-esteliach nad ... estelio han. Estelio ammen.

(If you can't trust anything else, trust this. Trust us) and she laughed and swept me jaw and gave me a kiss and she left and then tauriel called me lord legolas you should come it's time and he nodded and went to the kingdom where everyone was the parents of faunalyn, elrond, haldir, fili, kili, and finally i was crowned and we went to the crown of aragorn then all the elves came because i greeted aragorn with one elves but not the elves of Lorelorien and Rivendell...then I turned and aragorn and haldir and behind three cloths appeared our lady arwen faunalyn and thanidil we went to them and we kissed them and we said you are still alive ... and she kissed us personally and we said yes we weeped and everyone called and whistle and clapped and gandalf said hereby declare faunalyn queen of ithilien and thanidil of gondor...all three got on their knees we started to cry because we knew what they were going to ask and they looked at the parents first and she nodded that they could ask and they asked do you want to marry me? (everyone asked their own girl) and we said yes ...



i hope you like it...

this for my obsession with legolas and lord of the rings...

i think everyone is that i mean... who can't have a obsession with legolas the elf..and lord of the rings..legolas his blue eyes.. his blond long hair..his body... yeah ... it is a beautiful fanfic...

my elf language comes from websites but also from basque language because tolkien also designed it myself and from basque ... so this is how I do it my own elven language from basque language ... and websites ... I hope you like it ....

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