chapter 8: the battle with the gundabad orcs

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we talked a lot about are story and we felt accepted. thranduil said we can help you always now lady faunadil and thanidil... thank you... i said and laughs... legolas said we will ... always behind you do you know ... yeah we know...i said ...and thank you...we wanted to leave and drive into the gate was one of our people ... lady faunadil you most come we need you there come a war ...orcs are coming to us ... gundabad orcs...tauriel and legolas said gundabad orcs  and shocked...i said we will come and we tooked are horses and i said Namrie to my parents , celebrain and haldir... after we left...celebrain said we can't let them go can we? celeborn said we will fight to....haldir and haldir watched celeborn go to our palace and bring the elves ...thranduil said we will fight to ...tannil bring our army ...
everyone nodded and galadriel let elrond know and he also took his army ...
all the armies of the three strongest elfen kings came to help us we did not know...
we were ready to attack all our army were ready to attack both armies of elves and the gundabad orcs... i said ez zaitut utzi is our day! and I was driving from side to side along with thanidil ... BLOOD WILL FLOW! DEATH! THEY WILL BE! THE TIME OF US HAS REACHED!thanidil said YEAH THEY WILL BE DEATH! BURNS WILL THEY! EVERYONE WILL BE DEATH! THIS IS OUR VICTORY!we drew our swords and said DEATH!
we rode with our dragons and the dragons and horses ...we fought and then we heard it ... helpers ... from three sides three horns two I recognized ... the other not ... and I fought back ... and then I saw him ... legolas ...i saw him.. he saw me ..we nodded to each other... we fought on the same frond ... I was happy to see that he was fighting and loyal and so was his father ...we fought and i killed a lot of orcs then i saw azog ... fighting my father and i take my change to protector my father

i hope you like it...
this for my obsession with legolas and lord of the rings...
i think everyone is that i mean... who can't have a obsession with legolas the elf..and lord of the rings..legolas his blue eyes.. his blond long hair..his body... yeah ... it is a beautiful fanfic...
my elf language comes from websites but also from basque language because tolkien also designed it myself and from basque ... so this is how I do it my own elven language from basque language ... and websites ... I hope you like it ....

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