Chapter 3

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"I can't feel my hand" Dinah collapsed on the couch followed by Ally then Camila, they were currently signing their contract along with some old posters of theirs that will be re-published before they had their photoshoot for the reunion tour, "you do know that you'll be signing triple of these after you go on tour, right?" Chris said taking the bowl of food from Camila making her whine making Lauren hit him and warning him to give it back while Dinah again whispered something. Normani forwned since she's been doing that a lot, whispering under her breath, she'll need to talk to her about it.

"Don't ruin the mood, Jauregui" Dinah threw a popcorn towards him, which he caught and ate, Dinah frowned, "since when did your hand and eye coordination be this good?" She questioned, "it always has been," he winked at her before making his way towards the rest of the siblings who were raiding the whole kitchen.

"Besides we still have time for that" Ally tried to bring everybody back to the positive side, "yeah like weeks," Normani rolled her eyes sitting in between Ally and Dinah pushing them to the side taking almost all the space, "you do know that this couch is for 5 people?" Camila asked turning to look at Normani almost falling, "yeah but I'm tired"

"so are we, mani" Dinah groaned, Normani shrugged settling down between them. Ally sighed leaning back relaxing in the small space while Dinah and Camila kept moving around.

The siblings all slowly made their way in the living room, sitting wherever they could find, slowly the whole living room was packed with kids.

Lauren sighed glancing at Taylor about to tell her to do something, when Taylor picked her leg up from the table and laid down on the other couch and called over Arielle, Normani's sister, to sit by her. Lauren silently cursed knowing completely well what that meant, she didn't mind but she didn't want to be that close too, she didn't know if Camila would want.

She took a popcorn and threw it towards Camila getting her attention, "this couch has enough space for two" she said motioning towards the couch she sat on, Camila nodded and got up moving towards the couch and sat at the far end leaving enough space for one person to sit, Chris saw this and walked towards to sit only to stopped by a glaring Dinah Jane, Ally Brooke, Normani Kordie and the rest of the siblings, "geez people calm down" he muttered moving to sit beside Taylor and Arielle.

Everyone eased into conversion and the awkward tension between Lauren and Camila lessened enough that they started joking around with each other, "what are we going to do?" Ally whispered to Normani pointing towards the laughing girls on the other couch, "we try to keep the tension off as much as we can but they do need to talk" 

"but they did talk when we first were on the conference call" Ally whispered, "they talked about their guilt, not about their relationship, so they need to talk about that too" Normani whispered back glancing at them.

"and get back together" Dinah mutter a little to loudly, "who should get back together?" Camila asked tearing her eyes away from Lauren to look at the three.

Dinah started to stutter, "well I just- uh I- they were talking about One Direction and I muttered out they should get back together, I mean, Jesy regrouped with LM after releasing two of her albums, we've got back together" Dinah mentally patted herself on the back for the save.

"Yeah" Camila nodded, "what if we talk to them?"

"we've already talked and they still haven't told us the real reason, baba," Lauren said looking at her but stopped moving when she realized what she said, everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing, the"baba" meant a lot to the two of them, for some unkown reason so the only people who got to call them that was them, "I didn't mean this soon" Normani whispered sitting up.

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