Chapter 5

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"Hey," Camila said walking up behind Lauren, they were out with the rest of the girls after a long day of practice and rehearsals they had some free time so they decided to go out and do some shopping.

"Hi" Lauren replied turning away from the mirror keeping the dress on the side, "not getting it?" Camila asked pointing towards it, "I don't see myself in it" Lauren shrugged, "come on" she pulled Camila by her hand towards the rest of the girls.

"Hey, where were you?" Ally asked when she saw Lauren and Camila walk towards the counter, "she wandered off and I found her" Camila said pinching her side making her squeal out.

"Alright come on love birds we're hungry," Dinah said pulling Normani and Ally with her outside of the store, "come on" Camila pulled Lauren with her following the other girls.

"you nervous for this week?" Camila asked looking towards Lauren, "yeah a little" Lauren replied, "I mean everyone is it's a big week" Camila nodded, "yeah but hey at least we got each  other" Camila said bumping her shoulders with her making Lauren laugh, "yeah that we do"

Camila kept looking at Lauren while walking, stumbling upon a few things here and there only for Lauren to steady her, she knew what she was feeling and she was scared, she didn't want to ruin her friendship but just being around her and the bond that they've created the closeness they have it's making Camila feel certain things that she isn't supposed to feel.

"Lauren," Camila said stoping her in her tracks, "yeah, camz" Lauren turned her attention towards Camila, "I-"

"ALLY THAT'S WRONG!" Dinah yelled, the two girls turned to see the other three in a debate, "oh boy" Lauren muttered. "why don't you see from my point of view, Dinah?" Ally asked glaring at her, Dinah shrugged bending down to her height, "not like that, stupid!" Ally hit her arm before turning away and walking away with Normani laughing near her.

"come on we gotta stop her" Lauren laughed pulling Camila towards the three who were again debating, Camila walked towards Dinah while Lauren walked towards Ally.

"Good come back, cheena" Camila high-fived her only to stop mid-sentence by Lauren's glare, "I- I mean not good you don't do that" Camila said turning to Dinah, "you are so whipped" Dinah laughed, "no wonder you're head over heels for her"

Camila glared at her, "shut up she can hear you"

Dinah knew about this, she walked into Camila talking to her mom about this and she decided to eavesdrop and heard everything that Camila said to her mom. She later confronted her about this and Camila hesitantly agreed to it but she was still in denial saying that maybe it was because she was a sister to her and then went on rambling about everything she said to her mom, only for Dinah to say and I quote, "if I look at my sisters that way we'll have to talk to my mother, walz"

"still haven't told her?" Dinah asked glancing towards the other three talking, "I was going to but you interrupted" Camila rolled her eyes, "well good" Dinah said, "what the hell DJ!" Camila exclaimed hitting her, "you should feel bad"

"You are not telling her that you're in love with her in some mall while we are all tired as hell you are doing it differently and I swear to god if you blurted out your feeling to her in a non-romantic way I'll murder you" Dinah finished pointing her finger at Camila's face, who was terrified by the way Dinah was pointing her finger at her, "geez Cheena, you scared me" Camila blinked.

"good but I swear to god-"

"yeah okay I'll think of something"

"good" Dinah started to walk away, "oh and I'm the Captain"

"Captain of what?!" Camila called out after her, "Camren!" Dinah yelled back to her before pulling Ally and Normani with her leaving Lauren with Camila.

"You looked pretty scared" Lauren commented standing beside Camila, "yeah Dinah can be scary when she wants to be" Camila sighed shaking her head, "come on I need food" Camila pulled Lauren with her, Lauren chuckled following Camila out towards the food center where the other three were already settled.

Camila chuckled at the memory she was currently in her studio working on some songs when she had Deja vu after reading over a verse, that was the first time Dinah threatened Camila about doing something for Lauren way too plain even though Camila's plans were pretty dope Dinah always found flaws in them and made her change it while blackmailing her about something she told her.

Camila sighed moving out of her studio that was built in her house, she headed towards the kitchen to get something to drink.

While she made herself a drink she went back a week when she and Dinah had a fight and she said something she regretted, she had no idea what came over her, but she just blurted that out and then ran away when she saw Lauren crying, she called Dinah right after she reached home and apologized about what she did and what she said, then she proceeded to call Ally and then Normani.

When she was about to call Lauren she hesitated, she knew for a matter of fact that she was the reason Lauren had cried so feeling guilty and scared was evident.

But she did call her asking her if she was okay only getting back was 'I'm fine' and Camila knew Lauren better than she knew herself and when she said she was fine she was far away from fine but Camila was in no place to ask her about it, she lost that right 4 years ago, but the only thing that mattered to her was that they were friends again, she could live with that.

"CHANCHO GET YO ASS UP WE'RE GOING OUT" none other than Dinah Jane yelled walking into her house slamming the door open, "easy, woman," Lauren said closing the door behind her.

"Mila shut her up, she's eating my ears out," Normani said collapsing on the couch followed by Ally who was recording everything, while Lauren walked towards the kitchen and Dinah stood there glaring at the two.

"What is going on?" Camila asked looking around the four scattered around her house, "Dinah wants to go out and won't stop until yelling until we go out" Lauren replied sitting on the counter with a cup of yogurt in her hands.

"you could've texted me that, cheena," Camila said looking at Dinah, "yeah but your face was priceless" Dinah shrugged walking over to Lauren and taking her yogurt from her, "hey that's mine!" Lauren whined hitting her shoulder, "not anymore" Dinah shrugged sitting on a stool, "why you gotta be so rude?" Lauren asked.

"don't you know I'm human too?" Normani sang high-fiving Camila and turning to the camera Ally was holding, "yay!" Lauren exclaimed high-fiving Normani and Ally.

"Okay are we going or not?" Dinah asked standing up, "what if I said no?" Camila asked looking at Dinah waiting for her response, Dinah shrugged moving towards Camila, she picked her up over her shoulder and started walking out with three laughing people behind her.

"Dinah let me take my boots!" Camila laughed, "Lauser got your boots and she'll lock the house," Dinah said still walking.

"That's how we have fun," Ally said turning the camera towards her and Normani also showing Lauren who was locking the house with Camila's boots in one hand.

"Son of a bitch it's hot!" Camila yelled Ally turned her camera towards Camila who was now koala hugging Dinah to keep her feet from touching the boiling ground.

"Camila wear your boots!" Lauren demanded walking towards the two with Ally who was holding the camera and a laughing Normani, "like hell I'm standing on that lava" Camila yelled glaring at the ground, "then how are you going to wear your boots?" Lauren asked holding it up to her face, "I don't know you do it but I'm not standing on that ground barefoot!"

"God, your such a baby" Lauren shook her head while getting Camila's foot in one of the boot so she could stand, "mani you gonna be okay?" Dinah asked looking at Normani who was laughing so hard that she was bent on her side while clutching her stomach.

"God I sure missed this" Normani said still laughing, "mani I almost burned myself you shouldn't be laughing" Camila whined while holding onto Lauren's shoulder to support her weight while she was putting on her other boot, "sorry Mila but I couldn't help it," Normani said walking towards her and hugging, "group hug!" Ally said running towards them and pulling the rest in the hug while the camera was smashed in between them.

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